The Sticky Cowgirl (Lone Star Sweets, Book 2)

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Book: The Sticky Cowgirl (Lone Star Sweets, Book 2) by Lissa Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lissa Matthews
our offer.” Brandt moved to the side. “I believe you know your way out.”
    “I believe I do.” In the doorway, Jock turned toward Samuel and leveled a look at him that Samuel couldn’t read. “Gonna be a pleasure doin’ business with you, son.” There was no mistaking the displeasure headed Samuel’s way in the older man’s tone of voice.
    He didn’t have a chance to do more than nod as Jock quickly shoved his hat on and stalked from the office. Both he and Brandt stared at the empty doorway and the silence that lingered became increasingly uncomfortable.
    “What was that about?”he asked. His voice was casual, light and he slid his hands in his pockets in a gesture of relaxation he didn’t feel.
    “Not now, Sam.” The words were bitten out, with no hint of emotion. Normally, Samuel would back off when he heard Brandt speak like that, but not today. Too much had transpired in that brief encounter he’d witnessed.
    Samuel was never one for office politics and bringing personal stuff into business. He hadn’t approached this new project planning to do any different. It quickly became personal for him and he was fully aware that he was a little pot calling the kettle black demanding there be a distance for others, including his boss.
    “Yes, now.” His own words were pointed and with little give. “What was that?”
    Brandt sighed, impatience written all over the sound. Samuel wouldn’t let that dissuade him. “That was my past merging with my present.”
    Cold eyes met Samuel’s gaze as Brandt swung around to face him. “You don’t give me orders.”
    “Then think of it as a request. I need answers. He said this is personal now and he’s not wrong. This transaction against Samantha Dawson and her shop is no longer just business. We’re all compromised now.”
    “I didn’t know she was his daughter. Hell, I didn’t even know he had children, for that matter. There are many Dawson’s. How could I have known it was that particular Dawson family. I don’t read the reports Samuel. I trust you to do your job.”
    “I did do my job, but maybe you should read the reports that are prepared for you.” The stare was no warmer, but Samuel forged ahead. “Tell me about Marie. Please.”
    “It’s none of your business. She’s not part of this.”
    Samuel stalked forward and stood toe to toe with his step-father. “The hell it isn’t. It’s been made my business.”
    “Then maybe I should find someone else to take over if you can’t separate yourself from this.”
    Threats and ultimatums. Classic Brandt. “Maybe you should.”
    The words surprised Samuel as much as they probably surprised Brandt. Sam wouldn’t call them back though.
    Many times before, he’d backed off and let Brandt have his way. Not this time. This time there was more at stake and it had taken place on his desk, the floor, and against his office door. Sex with Samantha wasn’t just sex no matter what he’d told her and no matter what he needed to believe at the time so he could do his job.
    Right now, though, he wasn’t sure any of that was important anymore. He couldn’t say why he felt that way. Maybe it was meeting Samantha’s father and seeing how much he cared about his daughter. Maybe it was seeing that Brandt was actually a human being and there had at one time been someone incredibly important to him. Maybe it was nothing more than Samuel Stevenson wanting something that had nothing to do with business. This time, there was a someone.
    He’d said the project was compromised. It was a truth he hadn’t wanted to admit to himself. He was the one who’d compromised it, and he was the only one who could do something about it.
    “Dammit, Samuel. Don’t push me. You won’t like what’s on the other end. Are you really willing to risk everything you have, even your job over this?”
    Samuel smirked. “If I’ve learned anything from you over the years, it’s that threats don’t work. If it gets

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