Road Trip

Free Road Trip by Melody Carlson

Book: Road Trip by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
families for the rest of the concert. Josh leaned over and looked me in the eye.
    “You are totally amazing, sis!”
    I'm sure my face was just one great big smile by then. “Thanks.”
    After the concert we took our families backstage to meet Iron Cross. “That Jeremy really has his head together,” my dad said afterward when we all met at the hotel restaurant for a late night dessert.
    “Yeah,” I agreed. “He's pretty cool.”
    “He said some nice things about you too.” Dad winked at me.
    I managed to maintain a calm exterior. “Well, he's a gracious guy.” Ifow I have absolutely no intention of revealing to anyone that I have feelings for this guy. Besides, I keep telling myself, it's a schoolgirl crush that will pass in time.
    “Don't you want to know what he said?” demanded Allie.
    I just shrugged.
    My dad smiled at Allie. “He said that I should be proud of my daughter, that she's not only a talented musician but a fine person too.”
    Allie smirked at me. “I guess that's true.”
    “Gee, thanks,” I told her.
    “It's just so unbelievable,” James said suddenly.
    “What?” asked Laura.
    “That you girls—our baby sisters—are out here playing music with a group like Iron Cross.”
    Laura frowned. “What do you mean? Don't you think we're good enough?”
    He laughed. “Obviously you're good enough. You guys are fantastic.” Then he shook his head. “But it's still unbelievable.”
    “I know what you mean,” said Josh. “It feels weird to be shown up by your kid sister.”
    “Hey, we all have our gifts,” I told them.“There are things you guys can do that we'll never be good at. Like sports,” I added. “You both are really great athletes.”
    “Yeah, but we'll never make the kind of money you guys are making with sports.”
    “It's not all about the money,” I said. “And who knows how long this ride will last anyway.”
    “That's right,” added Willy. “The music industry is a finicky business. Things can change at the drop of a hat.”
    “So you better enjoy it while it's here.” Ky dad raised his soda glass as if to toast us. “And here's to three incredibly talented girls and what appears to be a very bright future!”
    All in all, it was a nearly perfect day. Unfortunately, I had to go and spoil things as my parents and I were going up in the elevator together. They had decided to turn in early, and I wanted to see them to their room.
    “I've been thinking about Caleb a lot lately,” I said as soon as the elevator started going up.
    Dad cleared his throat. “Why's that, pumpkin?”
    “Well, I see all these down-and-out homeless kids in every city and—”
    “Caleb has made his choices,” my dad interrupted.
    “But I keep wondering if he's okay.”
    Ky mom sniffed, and I turned to see that hereyes were filling with tears, but she didn't say anything.
    “I just wonder if there's anything I can do to-”
    “Chloe, I know that you love Caleb, and now that you've got money, I'm sure it would seem like a good idea to help him. But believe me, money is not what Caleb needs.”
    “I just wondered if you ever hear from him,” I continued even though I could tell I was upsetting my parents. “I think about him sometimes, in the middle of the night, and I get so worried and scared for him. Of course, I pray for him, but I just wonder if there's something more—”
    “Praying might be the best thing you can do for him,” Dad said as the elevator stopped on their floor.
    I turned to look at my mom. “Do you know where he is?”
    She pressed her lips together and looked at my dad.
    “Honey,” Dad put his hand on my arm, “I know you only have Caleb's best interests at heart. And that's good. But I think you'd be wise to avoid him. At least until he's ready to make some serious changes in his lifestyle.”
    Mom sighed then hugged me. “I'm so proud of you, Chloe.”
    I nodded and swallowed hard. I appreciated her words, but I was so focused on Caleb that I

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