Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives

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Book: Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives by Deandre Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deandre Dean
    Jensen speaks, “I saw him die. I was at his funeral. I knew his mom.”
    Ginger gasps, but knew from her empathy powers that he was telling the truth.
    She says, “Well I need your help. You’re coming with me. Go pack a bag, and we leave in ten minutes.”
    Ginger left no room for arguments, so he got out and jogged up the steps to his house. He would be packed and back in time.
    She wondered, “Why have this big house out here all to yourself. He is hiding something. There is definitely more to the story.”
    Chapter Five:
    After Jensen grabbed his things, they were back in the car and on their way to Los Angeles. Well her house, just as the sun was setting. The quiet drive was not pleasant the first two hours, but Ginger hadn’t bought a audio system yet.
    Ginger says, “How about a little Q & A?”
    Jensen smirks and replies, “Sure why not.”
    Ginger rolls her eyes and states, “What do you mean you saw him die? When?”
    Jensen takes a moment to answer, “I use to be friends with his mom as I mentioned earlier.”
    Ginger states, “You also eluded that you knew Spider. How?”
    Jensen sighs and answers, “I know all the elders. I don’t come from this universe.”
    Ginger gasps and asks, “Come again?”
    Jensen responds, “Not only are there multiple worlds and planets, but universes. I come from one where I and two others were the only of our kind. I along with Viven Delrow and Parker Tilleman are from that universe. With out combined powers we were able to tap into a magical force that allowed us to cross into this universe. When we arrived over 2100 years ago. The only people like us was Malcolm Silverdale, Spider Grandhorn, and Agnus Griffin. We were the only six, over time we all made people like us. We also developed the planets together. It’s a long complicated story.”
    Ginger says, “I bet.. Go on.”
    Jensen sighs and replies, “Maybe some other time.”
    Ginger nods and asks, “Who is Feltus’ mom?”
    Jensen frowns but continues, “MaryAnne Kris was dating Malcolm. She also had only one son Feltus, who died in the war. The only war. That is also a painful story. One I do not wish to tell right now, but I carried his body myself. I watched him get buried. We were all at his funeral, but unlike Malcolm I remember.”
    Ginger gasps and asks, “What do you mean?”
    Jensen lets out a breath and says, “Agnus placed a memory spell around the time MaryAnne vanished and cursed Daniel before she did. She wanted to torture Shalice Kincaid. Back in the day, there was a lot of dating and mixing of partners. Hearts broken and let’s just say not everyone is happy to deal with the past.”
    Ginger mimes in, “History repeating itself.”
    Jensen nods and states, “Only if we don’t learn from our past.”
    Ginger answers, “Too true.”
    The rest of the drive gave her a lot to think about.
    Chapter Six:
    While letting Jensen dive, Ginger’s mind kept wondering over to Mark. The man was impossible to deal with, but hotter then sin. Hottie Mcbody was definitely preoccupying her mind.
    One he is a stubborn jerk, check. He intrigues her, but is it his bad boy vibe. He has a decent heart, and loyalty which really struck her as datable. He was obnoxious and fascinated her to the point she wanted to peal back his layers.
    Ginger thought, “That’s what it is.”
    The man was a mystery she had to unravel. Three hours thinking about Mark and they had pulled up to the house. She piled out at 11:04 pm; better then last time, but not a million text messages or phone calls this time around.
    Ginger let Jensen in and got to work introducing him to her new family. Aaron and the girls kept him company while she ran upstairs to write. Sonia Solis always said the best way to help a creative mind was to stay active or busy.
    That is exactly what Ginger did, spent a quick ten minutes writing while she allowed her family to

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