Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives

Free Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives by Deandre Dean

Book: Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives by Deandre Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deandre Dean
Cyrosphere 4:
    Gathering of Lives
    All likeness of characters or personalities is just a coincidence and a work of fiction. None of what you read in these pages is real or based on actual events
    I like to thank my friends. A few of you have been named after characters that who I am inspired by, privileged to know and greatly proud to have in my life.
    – Deandre
    Cyrosphere 4: Gathering of Lives
    Chapter One:
    Ginger stood gaping at Mark Liam GrimJones. She can’t believe she kissed him. Yeah, he started it but she certainly didn’t resist. And who would? He was a tall, muscular super model, no not really; just so happened to resemble on.
    She sighs and thinks, “What do I do now?”
    He clears his throat, which snaps Ginger out of her head. The moment his gaze zeroed in on her, that intense sexual tension was back with vengeance. Ginger hadn’t realized her breath hitched, her pulse was racing, and she felt a bead of sweat break across her back.
    Ginger thought, “Shit. I want him so bad. Mr. Hottie Mcbody was making my lady parts sing.”
    She says, “I need to shower. Excuse me.”
    Mark responds, “Can I join?”
    Ginger stopped mid step and turned to face him. His dilated eyes heighten her need. She gets anger and states, “No. Calm down big boy.”
    Mark grins and replies, “So you think I am big, sweetheart? I like when I am appreciated for my size.”
    He smirks, Ginger swats his arm and he starts laughing because face it. The blow was like a tiny buy on his arm.
    Aaron states, “What’s going on in here?”
    She thinks, “Shit. Mark is too distracting that I didn’t realize Aaron was home.”
    They turn their heads to Aaron holding bags of groceries.
    Mark smiles and responds, “Just some friendly chatter. Can I help you put those away sir, while Ginger here runs upstairs to shower. This is important, and time is valuable.”
    Aaron nods and answers, “Sure.”
    He looks from Ginger back to Mark while setting bags on the kitchen isle.
    Ginger thinks, “Aaron saved me from ….what? I can’t say. I was practical licking his hand.”
    She shakes her head, as she climbs the steps.
    Chapter Two:
    About the time Ginger showered and changed, on her way downstairs she sensed Stacey was home and not alone. Malcolm Barnabus Silverdale, the man had once been her friend but now.
    Ginger wondered, “What is he to me? A traitor! Someone who betrayed my trust and investigated my past. Can I forgive him?”
    If her father Thein were here, he’d tell her that holding onto all that rage and anger would bury her. With that she sighed, walked into the giant kitchen. Faked a smile and sat down next to Stacey and far away from Mark and Malcolm.
    Ginger asks, “What did you guys come up with?”
    Mark smirked and says, “Just idle chatter while we waited for you. Nothing of substance into you got back.”
    Ginger nodded and turned to Stacey, “What about on your side?”
    Stacey looks calm and states, “Malcolm has been consulting with all the witches he knows and found an ancient locator spell to track Feltus.”
    Malcolm chimes in, “Once I do the spell, we’ll use Cole to open a portal there. We need to be prepared because Spider had a vision, which is rare. He says Feltus has a army of Gorjedein demons.”
    All around Ginger was stunned expressions and high levels of worry and anxiety. Their emotions was about to knock her out.
    Ginger asked, “What’s the big deal?”
    Mark says,

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