Redemption Rains
radiated throughout her, giving her a feeling of safety. Devin was
a good man; she knew this deep in her heart. His eyes reflected a
soul of a man who had seen too many bad things and that is why he
was so rough around the edges. He had hardened his heart. He had
to. It was the only way to survive in his line of work. She felt
like she had glimpsed the true man when she looked into his face
    “It is my job to protect you, and you
know how I hate to look bad," he tried to joke with her but she
just shook her head, causing her soft curls to spread across his
bare chest. He ran his fingers through the long strands, and then
released them again. He reached down and maneuvered her to where
her back was pressed against him in spoon fashion. His arm draped
over her hip with his hand resting lightly on her stomach just
below her breast. She felt the fear leave her.
    “When my little brother Kyle would
have bad dreams, he would climb up into my top bunk and lay with me
like this,” Devin’s voice was soft and soothing to her frightened
nerves. “He said that if the two of us stuck together, no monster
would be able to get us.”
    Elizabeth could hear the love for his
brother in Devin’s voice. “And did it work?” She turned to see the
answer in his eyes.
    “Every time,” his voice was soft, with
traces of happiness lighting his blue eyes as Devon continued to
share this memory; “I guess that is how I got started in this job.
Kyle always needed protecting and I was always there to do it. If I
wasn’t picking him up from when he fell, I was constantly covering
for him when he got into trouble.
    "Like a security blanket," Elizabeth
smiled up into his face as she made this statement, "But only
    She could tell he was taken aback by
her comment and for a short moment he just stared into her
    "I guess that is one way to think of
me, a big security blanket.”
    “Your brother is very lucky to have
    “He was lucky to have me. Kyle died
when I was 15"
    “Oh, I’m sorry,” Elizabeth bit her lip
in annoyance at herself for bringing bad memories to light. Devin
watched her intently. He slowly reached up and touched his thumb to
her lip.
    “It was a long time ago. Now close
your eyes and try and get some sleep,” he leaned back into the
pillows and pulled the covers further up on her hip, placing his
hand back against her stomach.
    “You’re safe with me.”
    She realized then that she did feel
safe with him. Never would she have imagined lying like this with a
man. But now, listening to his steady breathing and feeling the
warm touch of his arm on her waist, Elizabeth longed to stay like
this forever.
    "Thank you, Devin." she closed her
eyes and relaxed into sleep, cuddled safely next to him.

Chapter 7
    Elizabeth awoke to sunshine pouring
through the windows where the drapes had been pulled back. Slowly
she stretched, feeling relaxed and rested. She sat up slowly,
looking around her. She was alone in the bed. The only evidence
that last night was not a dream was the indentation of the pillow
where Devin’s head had laid next to her. She slowly laid her hand
on the pillow. The glow in her spread to a smile. How could she
think that Devin was bad when he had been so kind and patient last
night with her? She vaguely remembered him leaving her this
morning. She had moaned when he pulled away from her. After
whispering comforting words in her ear he had moved off of the bed
and disappeared into the bathroom. She must have fallen back to
sleep after that.
    Now she pushed back the covers and
crawled out of bed. She went in search of Devin but was
disappointed to find the room totally silent. She went into the
bathroom but the only evidence that he had been there was the
folded wash cloth and hand towel by the sink. She lifted the towel
to her face and breathed in his scent. She caught her reflection in
the mirror and was shocked at what she saw there. For the first
time in her life, Elizabeth

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