large shaft. She let her hand follow it along it’s long length, trying not to think about the size. When she got to the bulb at the end, it was moist. She sobbed, but she drew it down to her entrance, spreading her legs further.
    “Put one leg on my shoulder.” His voice was a whisper.
    Could she do that? Could she splay herself that far apart? The knife, the pain, the dark, but there was something more. A need inside to complete the act, to accept the embrace of the skeleton. He was back at her breast. She raised the leg on the other side, sliding it upward. Breathing through her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut in the blackness, she was feeling a pulling in the muscles of her legs. She ignored her own discomfort, preferring it to pain, pain from the dark. Finally she was able to bring it high enough to get her ankle over his shoulder as his teeth teased her nipple.
    Feeling the knife next to his cheek on her breast, she knew she had no more time. She put the mass of his shaft against her entrance. She was shocked to feel the moisture of her own body as her female lips seeped, opening for the male member that was so close to it. How could her body be such a traitor with pain so close? She raised her hips with her one foot that was on the bed and suddenly he pushed. She moaned as he was in her.
    He was too large, she knew he was too large, but her muscles started to relax as he started to move back out. With her rocking, he moved in deeper. She relaxed more and he withdrew then moved in as she pushed up. He went deeper. She wasn’t sure she could take the fullness of him but she forgot the knife, she felt only the body above her, the throbbing of his body around her, deep in her. He held her leg over his shoulder, pushing one last time. She threw her head back against the bedding, not aware of anything but the sex and the fullness of the male. She felt his breath, his lips on her neck. She rocked with him, pushing as much as she could, not aware of the darkness, not remembering the pain, only on a different level with the smell, the sex, the touch. She felt something at her neck and then there was a knowledge of erotic sexual desire such as she had never believed possible.
    Two bodies, joined together, tossing, pushing into each other. She felt herself being swept up into some high that was a different type of climax. They both went over it. She felt his hot seed pulsing into her as her own climax milked him repeatedly with rippling muscles.
    * * * *
    For a moment Alex’s dark side was lost as he tasted the rich blood, felt it surge within him. He felt the heat of her body with the response of his as he allowed himself to slide over the cliff, falling back into the darkness that was different from hers. He pulled out, letting her leg down slowly. He slid sideways so his great weight was not on her. He put an arm under her head. He bent down and licked her neck, where he had tasted deeply, and also the spot at the tip of the knife.
    * * * *
    “Your fear of me has gone away?” His voice was by her ear.
    She became aware immediately of where she was. What was happening. What should she do? The knife was still on her chest. She felt she had done good with the sex, but if he wasn’t pleased he could still give her pain. Suddenly she shivered. She was in the dark. She didn’t know who he was. He was the dark and the pain. She had no pride, no value, only fear. Yet for a while, the fear had slipped away.
    “I fear you, Master, what would you have me do?” She shivered. She couldn’t believe that she had actually said the words. But she had to survive, she had to get through this, she had to not have pain, she had to find light. There was also the feeling taking hold of her that there was some enjoyment with what was happening.
    “Get on your hands and knees.”
    She felt him take the knife away and she took a big breath. She turned over, doing as he instructed. The juices from him were slippery on the bed, also sliding

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