
Free Broken by Erin R Flynn

Book: Broken by Erin R Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin R Flynn
Tags: paranormal romance
I more felt them there with me, touching me, almost as if I could see them like infrared. No, I didn’t think that was a sane thing to dream either.
    But when a person believes they are losing their mind that doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

    The next morning I woke before my alarm, stretched slowly, and remembered I was back home… And then the camera. I bounded out of bed and put in my contacts before double checking the instructions on how to back up a recording. I did not want to risk accidentally deleting something after going through all of this.
    Once it was all ready and the extra file saved I took a deep breath, steadying myself as best as I could before finding out if I was really crazy or… Or I didn’t know what. Or I was going to deal with something really crazy.
    I hit play and saw myself getting ready for bed. This model had a motion sensor so it only recorded when something or someone was moving so once I was under the covers and stopped moving more than breathing, the screen went dark for a few seconds before turning back on here and there when I rolled over enough to trigger it or snored loud enough.
    Because I now had recorded proof that I did really snore. Great. Who didn’t ever want that?
    By the fourth time the video loaded with me simply turning over, I was about to admit defeat and seriously consider what several of the specialists had told me—that my symptoms were some form of psychosis. A very polite way of saying I was batshit crazy and maybe it was time to consider I needed to be locked up.
    I thought that was a bullshit way out. There were certain things the body could do to itself because of the brain and certain things it could not . Fine, memory loss and dreams was one of them. Extreme weight loss was not one I’d ever heard of and most of the other doctors agreed with me. Some of the other ones didn’t. Great when they couldn’t. Really instilled faith in them all.
    The next clip popped up and I did a double take as Teak walked into my bedroom followed by Cypress and Aspen. I turned up the sound and the scene played out exactly as it had in my dream with the only addition being that Aspen asked at some point if I was really out, as in unconscious was my guess, and Cypress nodded. So they had kept me asleep.
    Which explained why I never woke as a light sleeper. That had been the one thing that had always made me assume it couldn’t be them. I woke for everything unless I’d been drinking, then I could sleep through a tornado.
    I watched the whole thing and then a second round of them coming in my room about an hour later according to the time stamp. After that it was nothing but a couple more scenes of me rolling over before I woke up. I clicked my mouse back to clip five and watched that and six again just to make sure. Then I put those two on a USB drive, already knowing how to play them on the TV downstairs.
    I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do, but I had a feeling it was going to be big because I had that cold, calm feeling that normally even scared me when it came over me since it was typically followed by my temper blowing like a volcano. Or I got hysterical. One or the other or both. Nothing ever rational or calm though.
    Making some coffee, I texted the guys and said I was hopping in the shower but why didn’t they come over for breakfast in half an hour and we could hang out. There was no way I’d be able to get anything done with this hanging over my head, and I needed to know what the fuck was going on anyways because whatever they’d been doing to me was causing a mountain of chaos in my life.
    I got three enthusiastic replies, and I let them know the front door was open. Then I picked out something comfy to wear, because it was going to be that kind of a day, fixed up my coffee, grabbed the USB drive, and headed downstairs to shower. The whole time I was under the water I was surprised that the cool spray didn’t instantly turn to steam and

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