
Free BegMe by Scarlett Sanderson

Book: BegMe by Scarlett Sanderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Sanderson
    “Please, Jared. Please…”
    A hand moved between her thighs, putting delicious pressure
on her pubic bone in the process.
    Tessa rocked her hips against him. “Dominate me. Please,
    He was relentless in his ministrations. He strummed her
pounding clit. She bit her lip, needing to come. He worried his thumb against
the tiny bud, circling it, pressing it against her pubic bone.
    “Submit to me, Tessa. You know you want to. I can feel you
creaming all over my hand.”
    The delicious pressure became too much. The tingling in her
clit burst through her body. All her nerve endings spiked. She closed her eyes,
threw her head back against Jared’s shoulder and cried out.
    “Jared!” Her muscles went rigid. Her skin was tender to
    It had been so long since she’d had a man. The emotions
Jared unleashed made her want to weep. She’d never been so turned-on, so
aroused by someone’s touch.
    He continued to rub her gently, the aftershocks sending tiny
bursts of pleasure into her system. She felt thoroughly sated.
    His cock pressed against her thigh. His heat seeped into her
and she looked into his eyes. They burned with possession, threatening to drown
her with their intensity.
    “Now the fun part begins.”
    Fun? Hell, she’d thought that had been fun. What else did he
have planned?
    Sweeping her up like she weighed nothing, Jared carried her
to a bondage table. Made of heavy oak, it looked like a medieval banquet table.
Laying her down face up, he fixed the stirrups in place, binding her hands and
    She lay spread-eagle. Open to him, vulnerable. The doubt and
fear must have been evident in her eyes because he leaned forward and placed a
tender kiss on her lips.
    “Trust me.” Moving away from her, he stood, looking down.
Lifting a hand to his nose, he sniffed. “God, I love the scent of your pussy.”
He licked his fingers and almost purred. “You taste as good as you look.”
    Tessa swallowed. Her heart beat so fast it would surely give
her a heart attack. Her skin tingled, her body hyperaware of her surroundings.
The leather chafed at her joints, creating a frisson of pain. Blood roared in
her ears. Moisture slithered down her thighs. She’d never been so aware of her
    “Before we start, there are a few technical things we need
to get sorted.” He trailed his fingertips along her thigh.
    He wanted to talk safety now ? Tessa couldn’t believe
he’d tied her up, primed her engine and then wanted to talk. She gritted her
teeth and let out a growl of frustration. “Make it quick.” Just a little more
to the left and he’d be touching her pussy.
    This drew a smile from Jared. “Patience, Tessa. Do you have
any limits, anything you would feel uncomfortable with?”
    She only had one hard limit. “I don’t want to be shared with
anyone. Group sex is a no. As is having sex with other people while you watch.”
She didn’t know why, it just set her nerves on edge. She wasn’t ready for that.
    He nodded. “You don’t have to worry about that.” He stroked
the tender skin on her thigh. “What’s your safeword?”
    “Pandora.” Tessa had known he might ask. “Pandora is my
safeword.” She jerked against her restraints, trying to move his hand.
    Jared cocked an eyebrow. “As in Pandora’s box?”
    Tessa blushed. “Yeah. As in Pandora, who got curious and
opened the box, hence unleashing sin into the world.”
    He reached her calf and caressed the muscle. “I can promise
you, the only sin we’ll be releasing is our own.”
    His comment made them both laugh.
    “Those are specially made restraints. One real, hard tug and
they will unbuckle.” He stared intently into her eyes. “You ready, Tessa?”
    She lowered her gaze like a good little submissive. “I’m
    “Then we’ll begin.” Fisting a handful of his sweater, Jared
pulled the material up, over his head.
    Tessa’s gazed dropped to his well-sculpted chest. She
drooled. It was impossible

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