Seeing Is Believing

Free Seeing Is Believing by Kimber Davis

Book: Seeing Is Believing by Kimber Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimber Davis
would already be deep in their holes, trying to stay
    When she reached the building she pulled
a set of keys from her pocket, glad when he held the flashlight up so she could
see to put the key in the lock. She pushed the door open and stepped inside the
cold building.
    "There's a generator for the lights, but
it's out back and I'd rather not turn them on. Suffice it to say the building
is large enough to accommodate a party, and we've had quite a few of them out
here. We make sure to have vans ready to transport people back to town, in case
they've had a little too much to drink."
    "Good plan."
    She didn't answer him, and when he
stepped up and put his hands on her waist, pulling her back into his chest she
didn't fight him, or try to push him away.
    "Please don't be mad at me. There's only
so much I can tell you about things that have to do with the law enforcement
part of it. Truthfully, I don't think they're telling me everything. Honestly."
    She nodded, then turned to him. He put the flashlight under his chin flashed it on and off, the
glow illuminating his face.
    "Told you there
were no ghosts."
    "You're right, no ghosts. What you do
have on your hands is a hungry private investigator. And if I can't have the
main thing I'm hungry for, which is you , I'll settle
for the fried chicken that's in the truck."
    "Do you want to eat here, or do you want
to go back into town?"
    "Here. It's a little romantic, don't you
    "As long as we're not out in the cold
then yeah, I think so."
    Once they were back in the truck, Leslie
unpacked the basket Nancy had fixed for them. There was fried chicken, cole slaw and biscuits. There was also a few wedges of pumpkin pie, which came from Leslie's own shop.
    "She's feeding me my own food," she said
with a laugh. "I bet she got a kick out of it."
    They stated to eat their chicken, a
comfortable silence broken only by chewing and swallowing. Finally, when she'd
polished off a chicken breast and a thigh, Leslie put the bones into the bag
Nancy had provided just for that purpose and sighed.
    "I'm too full for pie. I don't know
about you."
    Reed's heavy sigh let her know he felt
the same way. "We'll let it sit for a little while, then dig in for the sweet
stuff. Unless..." He leaned toward her and made kissy noises.
    "You want to kiss me, chicken breath and
    "I've got it too, remember?" He leaned
closer and she gave him a soft peck on the lips, pulling back when he tried to
deepen the kiss.
    "I remember the rules," he said softly.
"Just a little kissing, maybe some petting?"
    "Okay, I can get the hint." He leaned
back into his chair.
    "No! Out there, look." She pointed to
the corner of the old buildings, right in front of the party hut. A soft light
glowed that hadn't been there before.
    "Kids?" He leaned
closer to the windshield and she did the same thing.
    "We would have heard a car, you know it as well as I do. There's nobody out here
but me and you."
    "They could have gotten here before us,
parked out back instead of out front. Maybe they were out there making out when
we walked by and they were scared stiff we would catch them."
    "Maybe." She squinted her eyes closer together, as if that might make her
see something better. "Or maybe I was wrong. Maybe there is a ghost out here,
and that's the light from it."
    "Right." He drew the
word out, and Leslie could hear the derision in his voice. "Hate to break it to
you, sweetie, but I don't believe in ghosts."
    The light started to move, creeping just
a little ways away from the building before darting back. Both of them stared,
not saying a word. Finally, Reed cleared his throat.
    "Kids. They just saw
the truck and ran back to the building."
    "Well, if it's not ghosts, maybe it's
aliens. We're not far from Roswell, you know."
    "It's kids." He took the keys from the
ignition and opened the door, grabbing his flashlight. "I'm going to
investigate. Are you going with me, or are you staying here?"
    "I'm going with

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