Dancing Dragon
show in his Sanguis Vitam that engulfed me right now. I could not have hoped for a better response.
    So, why was I so scared?

Chapter 6
You Are Mine
    Michel came up and hovered behind my back, his breath hot on my bare shoulders. I heard the door softly close with a click, no doubt a flick of his wrist, as he walked through, had accomplished it. It was just us. Him and me. No one else and the heat emanating off his body right now was pure fire. He didn't touch me, I hadn't expected him to, even though his body betrayed him, he would make me work for this. I stood still a few moments longer allowing him to take in all that glorious naked flesh at my back and then I slowly turned to face my kindred.
    I couldn't help the breath that escaped my lips at the look of him. It wasn't often that Michel could surprise me, but the look of utter hunger and passion on his face right then took my breath away. However it wasn't just that which surprised me, I'd seen those emotions on him before, it was the abject fear and pain that laced it, that stole my breath and stilled my heart.
    Oh Michel. What has happened? I wanted to reach for him, but I knew instinctively that he would recoil and what progress I had made would be lost. I had to play this by vampire rules. Such a shame I wasn't as good at this as Amisi. I was basically winging it right now.
    “You think you can cast me aside, kindred?” I said quietly, aware my voice was shaking slightly at the end. “You forget who I am.”
    He held my gaze, an appreciative growl escaping his lips, magenta shooting through the depths of blue in his eyes.
    Now, I took the step forward and began to remove his jacket. Slowly sliding it off his shoulders, letting it fall discarded to the floor. He purred, an unusual and uniquely vampire sound at the back of his throat. He wasn't holding any of his vampire back right now, but responding on pure instinct.
    Next, the buttons on his shirt, slowly one by one. It didn't help that my fingers were shaking, he noticed, but didn't aid me in any way, just stood there oozing Sanguis Vitam , hot and sweet and cloyingly warm, making it wrap around my body, stroking me in places he shouldn't have dared to go just yet. He knew my shields were down, he was relishing his effect over me. I could practically hear the triumph in his Sanguis Vitam as it received shockwave after shockwave of my desire back at every touch.
    The shirt disappeared like the jacket and then his broad cream coloured, muscled chest was before me and it took every ounce of my self control to not touch him where my mark graced his flesh, but to just stare. He smiled and shifted closer, an invitation to take what was mine. I flicked a mischievous glance up at him and began undoing his trousers. He swallowed, but held my gaze.
    The belt removed, the button came undone, the zip, so slowly pulled down. I saw his hands clench at the sides of his thighs, then the trousers fell to the floor.
    “Shoes,” I said quietly, stepping away. “Off.”
    He growled low, but did as I asked and then stood before me in his black satin boxers, his erection already tenting the fabric. Not that I needed further evidence of his desire, but I still felt a deep seated sense of accomplishment and possession at the sight. He was mine. All mine.
    His growl came louder. Had he just heard that thought?
    I slowly crouched down in front of him, ending up on my knees, my face a bare inch from his arousal. His fists unclenched and re-clenched at his side. Let's see how much he can hear in my head right now, shall we?
    No touching. I thought softly. You're mine to do with as I please.
    Magenta shot through the room in response. I licked my lips at the knowledge that he was receiving even whispered thoughts in my head and kissed the base of his cock. It rocketed up, stiffening at my slight touch. I licked the length of it through the material of his boxers, making it wet and clinging to his firm length, then didn't hesitate as I

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