Selfless: A Relentless Series Novella (The Relentless Series Book 3)

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Book: Selfless: A Relentless Series Novella (The Relentless Series Book 3) by Alyson Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Reynolds
one. We weren’t even talking at this point, so why should I hold out on something I wanted so badly. The waitress brought our food and we finished dinner with lighter topics. I never really stopped thinking about Rhys though. Taylor knew where my mind was, but she didn’t push. She wrapped me up in a huge hug before we left and told me she would text me the information when she got home. My stomach flipped as she squeezed me one last time.

    I was actually early to catch my flight, but that meant it was harder to stay incognito until the plane boarded. People always gave you funny looks if you wore a hat and sunglasses in the airport, but it was required if I traveled by myself. My hair was tucked up in a ponytail and I was wearing a hat, but I drew the line at sunglasses. I prayed that if I shoved my face in a book I wouldn’t be recognized.
    I made it forty-five minutes before someone came up and asked for an autograph. Most of the time I loved my fans, but today wasn’t the day that I wanted to be social. My nerves were already shot because I was chasing after a man that I wasn’t sure still wanted me. Airline security eventually escorted me to the gate so I could load early because of the ‘scene’ I was causing. It was foolish of me to even attempt something so normal.
    My eyes closed as I leaned back into the plush chair. First class did have some perks at least. Was I really going to go and track down Rhys and try to get some kind of explanation?
    “Ma’am, would you like a drink?” I blinked my eyes open. The sweet stewardess placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile.
    “No, thank you though.” I flashed a quick smile. “But if I change my mind, I’ll let you know.”
    “Okay Ms. Connelly.”
    “Please, call me Amanda.”
    The woman was probably in her mid-fifties. She seemed like the motherly type, someone I wished I would have had in my life growing up. My parents thought the solution to every problem was to shove a credit card in my face.
    “Let me know if you need anything at all, Amanda.”
    I smiled and she went to check on other passengers. The short flight was my only saving grace because I wouldn’t have enough time to think about Rhys. This was possibly one of the worst ideas I’ve ever had, but damned if I was going to let Rhys leave me again without a fight. My plan, if you could call it that, was to show up at Rhys’ bar and beg him to reconsider, or at least demand an explanation of why he’s such a pussy. He had to let me explain my god-awful, drunken voicemail. Surely he wouldn’t be able to ignore me in skin tight jeans and sky high Louboutins.  
    The plane started its decent, and I reined in my nerves. I wasn’t a good flier, but now I was nervous about getting to Vegas. A few hours from now I would know if I was going to be done with Rhys Brooks once and for all, or if we could try to make a relationship work.

    The bar was exactly as Taylor had described it, dark and full of the promise for trouble. There was something electric in the air that made you feel like wild things could happen here. I glanced around when I walked in the door. Luckily Rhys wasn’t behind the bar, so I was able to get in the door without being spotted. This was definitely the type of place that no one would care if I was famous or not, and for that I was incredibly thankful.
    I ordered a whiskey sour and was paying when the first sounds of guitar strums filled the room. Turning towards the makeshift stage at the back, I saw Rhys messing with the cords of his guitar. My mouth dropped open when I realized it was the same guitar I bought him for his high school graduation present.
    He kept it all these years?
    Maybe Rhys really did feel the same way I did. Was it possible that he was as scared of getting hurt as I was? Hope bloomed in my heart. I took a long sip of my drink, resolving that I would speak with him by the end of the night. I hadn’t come all this way to avoid

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