The Unforgiven
seen. You are like nature…unpredictable, wild, and calm at the same time.”
    “Wow,” her voice carried an air of sincerity and surprise. “I had no idea you could be so…so—”
    “That fits. You make me feel like the luckiest woman alive.”
    He placed a light kiss on her lips. “I hope you always feel this way.”
    They strolled a short distance along the water’s edge to his campsite, now void of creepers. He was relieved to finally be rid of Twilight’s scum. When Hatch’s identity as the Twilight Master had been discovered, he disappeared and took his pathetic army with him. Von knew they’d encounter the goons on the island of Nekkar but for now, he had Flame all to himself again. He figured she must be hungry so he built a small cooking fire in a stone pit. She perched herself on a large rock and watched him.
    “You haven’t eaten since we arrived at your village. I can run down the road and grab some stuff to toss over the fire. What would you like?”
    “How do you buy food without money?”
    “I have money.”
    He braced both hands on the rock while leaning over her. “Don’t worry about it, and no, I didn’t steal it. Now what can I get you to eat?”
    “Can you cook steak and eggs over that fire?”
    “My favorite. You look tired, babe. Wanna stay here and relax while I make a quick run?”
    She nodded with sleepy eyes. “Leave me that nice blanket before you go. I’ll just stretch out beside the fire until you return.”
    After watching her get comfortable, he straddled his bike and keyed the ignition. Today they’d enjoy a heavenly afternoon on the beach before riding into hell at dark. He hoped the horse would be easy to find and rescue. He didn’t like the idea of taking his woman into the volatile region of Twilight’s darkest hole. His only consolation about going into this mess was Flame’s heightened senses. She obviously enjoyed utilizing their blood-bond to its fullest extent. If he were a mortal man, she’d have drained him by now. Her hunger for the energy in his soul was constant and fierce.
    His gaze drifted over her nice ass and long shapely legs as she lay facing the fire. She’d kicked off her boots and tucked those dainty bare feet behind her knees. Morning sunlight picked up the streaks of gold in the beautiful long hair tossed carelessly over her shoulders and back.
    Don’t worry, Mon Coeur, I’ll take care of you…I have more than enough energy to share with you.

Chapter Seven
    Flame pondered everything that had transpired in Celestial Village, struggling to come to terms with the startling revelations. The Supreme Lioness’s reaction toward Von stunned her. She’d never seen her high ruler exhibit such hostility. After everything Von suffered through, he’d still managed to break away from the evil realm. The Lioness’s harsh rejection of their bond disturbed Flame. What did her nation expect of her? She’d lived her life to serve them, trained hard, and made many sacrifices to become the warrior they needed, and it still didn’t seem like enough.
    Now they expect me to simply walk away from Von as if he doesn’t matter? I can’t do it. I won’t do it. He pulled me out of the darkness when Raef died and even stopped me from making a horrid mistake. I could’ve surrendered to my grief, killed Von, and let Twilight bring Raef back as their new Satellite. We would’ve been together but I doubt my sisterhood would’ve liked that arrangement either. We’d both belong to the evil side. She sighed in frustration.
    One more mission lay ahead, and Von was the only man capable of helping her. Bitterness crept back into her soul over how she’d been manipulated all these years to serve as a barrier between good and evil for eternity. A prodigy—purposely created by two people who were expendable tools—her mother and father. Anger rose toward the Supreme Lioness. She could’ve saved my mother and possibly

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