Muzzling the Beast: Taming the Beast, Book 4
    “Wait till I’ve undressed you and then do whatever you want. And I do mean whatever.”
    He looked like he might explode from too much lust. Clearly not wanting to fight it, he tried to tongue her nipple. Constance leaned away. “You’re still dressed.”
    Gabe muttered an oath and nodded. “Fine. I’ll help you.”
    “Uh-uh, it’s not what you said.”
    “Screw what I said.”
    She tightened her grip. “Let me do it my way. Please.” She had to make this last, savor these moments for the lonely times ahead.
    He blew out a breath. “Don’t go too slow unless you want to kill me.”
    And miss all this pleasure? “Wouldn’t think of it.”
    She brushed her lips over his temple while easing his jacket off his shoulders and arms. The garment fell at his feet with a soft rustle, the sound nearly lost beneath the hard pounding of her pulse. His shoulder holster and gun seemed enormous and deadly, yet wildly masculine too. Unable to resist, Constance ran her fingertips over the grip and leather. “We’ll come back for this later. Right now, I want to see your real weapon.”
    He laughed and sucked in more air as Constance sank to her knees and unbuckled his belt. The clink of metal, the rasp of his zipper sent bursts of heat through her, with the warmth settling in her pussy. A pulse ticked deep within, an invitation for his cock.
    Not yet.
    Undressing him was like opening a longed-for gift she’d never believed existed.
    It didn’t really. Tonight was no more than make-believe on her part. Come morning, reality would intrude, bringing with it all sorts of crap she honestly didn’t want to consider now.
    With his pants undone, she looked up, pleased Gabe was watching, his grin proving how much he was enjoying himself. He hadn’t a clue the wonders Constance had in store for him. Easing her thumbs beneath the waistbands of his pants and navy boxers—the stretchy kind that were totally sexy—she pulled them down with no hesitation, moving more swiftly than she’d intended.
    His cock sprang out and bobbed slightly between the tails of his shirt, the shaft rigid as hell, fucking long and thick too. A perfect specimen of male power, the same as his lightly furred balls. She trembled with need denied for too long, burning his masculine beauty into her brain. Veins snaked up his rod’s impressive length, its color reminding her of cocoa, his crown slightly darker from passion, decidedly beefy, a delicious mouthful. The pearl of pre-come on the small slit at the top finally undid her.
    She pressed her face into his thick nest of curls, inhaling his natural musk, a fragrance no manufactured scent could ever surpass. Wishing she could bottle it, Constance brushed her lips over the root of his cock even as she ran her hands past his narrow hips to his hard ass and beyond…the furrow between his cheeks.
    On a strangled sound, Gabe pushed to his toes as she explored this area of him that was so silky and warm. She lingered on the tight ring of his anus. Stroking it, she smiled at how he squirmed, the animal noises he made.
    Lovely, but not enough. Constance needed it all so these moments would endure through the empty days ahead. She licked the length of his rod, savoring its faint salty taste, then swirled her tongue over the head before flicking it against the bumpy skin in the back.
    Groaning loudly, he clasped her head and drove his fingers through her hair as if to keep her close.
    She wasn’t going anywhere yet. After licking the most sensitive part of him again, she eased his cock aside. Gabe loosened his grip as if he didn’t understand what she was doing. Constance showed him, lapping his sac and taking his right ball in her mouth.
    “Aw God,” he cried, gripping her head harder than he had earlier.
    While stroking his tight ring, she also explored his ball with her tongue, loving its weight and warmth in her mouth. Gabe babbled something she didn’t understand and figured he didn’t either.

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