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Book: Captured by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
Tags: Romance, Historical
lips. “And I would be honored to accept such a precious gift. In return, I will teach you a love that will make you forget all about what happened before.”
    Moved by his husky declaration and filled with an uncharacteristic boldness, she kissed him to show her thanks, and whispered against his lips, “I don’t have the experience your others likely had.”
    He kissed her back and ran his hand slowly up her spine. “That matters not.”
    “You’ll show me what to do?”
    For a long moment, while they lost themselves in the tastes and warmth of each other, all words and responses were set aside.
    “Will you?” she asked humidly as the languid kissing continued. Only the sounds of their breathing could be heard against the silence.
    “Gladly,” he whispered. “But the first time I make love to you, I want it to be in my home, and in my bed.”
    His voice was so potent her eyes slid closed and her body shimmered.
    He moved his lips to her ear and asked, “Do you know why?”
    “No,” she breathed as he rubbed the tip of his finger slowly over one tight nipple and then the other.
    “So that there will be no one to disturb us.”
    Too shocked and overwhelmed by his decidedly bold fondling, Clare felt as though she were in the middle of a powerful storm that was threatening to sweep her away. Her breasts crooned in response to his glorious stroking, and there was a warm restlessness between her thighs she’d never felt before.
    Dominic met her eyes and smiled. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
    “Very much.”
    “Bon. You are a passionate woman, Clare. We will have fun together, you and I.”
    “I’ve not had much fun. Ever.”
    “I know, but we’ll make up for that while we are together. Agreed?”
    “Agreed.” Clare realized that in less than a day, he’d turned from a man who terrified her, into one with the ability to see into her heart, while at the same time offering her something she’d never tasted before—passion. And even though their time together would be finite, she planned to take full advantage of each and every moment, so that when she returned to Savannah she would at least have the memories.
    “Would you like more?” she heard him ask through the haze floating around her. A drum seemed to be beating softly between her thighs.
    He filled his hands with her breasts and she moaned again when expert fingers gently tugged and plucked. “Or do you wish for me to stop…”
    There was so much sensation flowing through Clare, she couldn’t even recall her name, but she did know that she didn’t want him to stop. “No, I don’t want you to stop.”
    “Then say…Don’t stop, Dominic….”
    He teasingly bit each of her breasts and she came apart, crying out softly. Her hips rose, her body stiffened, and an unnamed force took hold and spun her out over the ocean.
    Dominic closed his eyes and employed every calming thought he could muster in order to fight down the smoldering urge to take her over to his bed and have her. Now. He was so close to the edge, he knew that if he even looked at her he was going to spill his seed like a youth visiting his first bordello, so he kept his eyes closed.
    She asked in a dazed voice, “What was that?”
    Against his better judgment he looked down and swept his vision over her lidded eyes and passion-full lips. She was in the final throes of her orgasm, and the sight threatened to shatter the tenuous hold he had on himself. Closing his eyes again and forcing himself to think of the snows of Greenland, he said quietly, “Orgasm.”
    “Is it a normal occurrence?”
    “It is when you’re with a proper lover.”
    “Are you in pain, Dominic?”
    Her usage of his first name garnered a smile. “No, petite.”
    “Then what—”
    “Up with you now,” he said, giving her one last stirring kiss before placing his hands on her waist and guiding her to her feet. “I have a ship to captain and some charts to look over. Having you so close will distract

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