
Free WickedTakeover by Tina Donahue

Book: WickedTakeover by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
about that then moved closer and
pushed his face into hers. Lauren’s breath hushed against his lips. So warm and
sweet smelling, Dante got dizzy. He shook his head, clearing it. “Didn’t you
say I’m supposed to ink all my clients through their clothes?”
    She murmured, “Only the women. I told you it was all right
to work on naked guys.”
    “I prefer you.”
    Her face lit up. “You’re going to give me a tat now?” She
wore a look of innocence. “That’s what rubbers are for? To protect me from the
tattooing needle?”
    “I had something much thicker in mind.”
    A blush crept up her throat, touching her already rosy
cheeks. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
    He dropped the condoms on the convertible chair and toed off
his sandals. Lauren didn’t watch that. Her full focus was on his groin.
    In time, baby.
    Dante pulled off his tee and tossed it on the chair to land
on top of hers. She stared at his dark-brown nipples and pecs then the tats on
his biceps and the one on his side. It depicted a stylized falcon in flight
that reached from his armpit to his waist. He’d mentioned it that first day
when she’d shown up here dressed like a nun, ready to take charge.
    Because she owned everything in this place, including him.
    Dante pushed his jeans and stretchy boxers down. His cock
sprang out, ready to boogie. Lauren stared at his hairy groin, rigid rod and
plump balls as if they were the first privates she’d seen.
    She let out a low, longing sigh.
    Her reaction made him even harder. Plowing into her cunt and
fucking her senseless didn’t seem like enough suddenly. He warned himself to
take it easy, make her crave this even more. With his heart walloping against
his chest, he opened a foil packet.
    Lauren spoke softly, “Move closer. Please.”
    The hunger behind her words did wicked things to him. Dante
stepped out of his clothes and obliged. Leaning over, she buried her face in
his dark curls.
    Motherfuck. Dante’s lust kicked into overdrive.
Lauren licked the root of his shaft, sending heat and no end of sensations
shooting through him. “Hell no,” he choked out and stumbled away.
    “Come back here,” she purred. “Let me take you inside my
mouth. I promise it won’t hurt.”
    Right. She was going to kill him if she kept tonguing his
cock. Dante was so fucking primed, one more stroke and he’d lose it,
embarrassing himself and disappointing her. “Later,” he growled.
    He stopped rolling the silky latex down his rod, uncertain
whether she was playing with him. “Sure. After I do you in ways you can’t
    She beamed. “Show me.”
    What he had in mind for her would take far more than just
tonight. Hell, there was no end to what Dante had to have. “This first.” He
finished rolling on the rubber and positioned himself behind her.
    Lauren watched him in the mirror, seeing as much as she
    She wasn’t able to regard him running the tip of his cock
over her slick cunt but she damn well felt it. Her eyes got glassy.
    He gave her one last warning, “Get ready, baby.”
    “Go for it,” she breathed.
    Dante did, entering her in one solid thrust, burying his
shaft to the hilt.
    Lauren’s reflection showed her mouth sagging open. Dante
knew what she was going through. He huffed at how deliciously tight and fucking
hot she was, her body hugging his rod, giving it a home. Longing, bliss and
coarse need mingled within him, reminding Dante of the first time he’d had sex.
He’d just started high school. The girl was a year older and had practically
tackled him, wanting them to “do it”. The wonder of that moment, the sheer
power of the act returned in spades.
    Lauren did that to him when he really shouldn’t have allowed
it. She had a life she wanted back, working in a corporate world he loathed and
couldn’t abide. He’d turned his back on the past, comfortable with what he’d
chosen here. It was his future.
    For her, this was no more than a temporary

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