Another Chance

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Authors: Janet Cooper
dead father? Would his father not have loved his own mother? Sarah had no answers to her questions. She stared at the Lenape. If he sensed her attention, he failed to acknowledge it.
    "Beyond the plantation's borders, on the land of our ancestors, few of us survive," White Owl went on . "This farm and community prosper because we have nurtured the soil and not forsaken the culture of the Lenape.
    "During the war between the French and English, none of their battles disturbed the peace we had achieved here on our own property . When our brethren, living near the Allegheny and Mongehela, asked for aid, Thunder Cloud," he pointed to the old man sitting before what looked like a log drum, "and some of your fathers joined me. We journeyed west and fought with the French, hoping to defeat the redcoats. Many battles were won, but the British still rule. Now, their troops come here to destroy us. We will protect ourselves from their invasion."
    A few warriors drummed on the ground with their hands, showing their approval . Thunder Cloud pounded on the leather skin with energy that defied his age.
    Sarah glanced from the White Owl to Silver Wolf. From the firm set of his jaw to his ridged back, tension controlled the man seated beside her. Occasionally, Sarah sensed his eyes on her. She had never caught him looking, but knew he had. When her hand had grazed his, had he felt the energy that flowed between them?  His expression gave nothing away. Since their brief touch, he had shifted on his mat, keeping a small space between them. Yet, his aura of power and masculine strength touched her.
    A terrible idea struck her . Had horror or guilt that they should be experiencing such emotions in the midst of grief forced him to keep his distance? Did his dislike of whites compel him to reestablish the barrier between them? Unable to discover any answers, Sarah focused on White Owl and the ceremony.
    "Men and women will arm themselves," the old man said . "Our young boys will act as scouts and warn us if soldiers or any enemy approach. We will not desert the plantation. We will stay and continue to do homage to our forebears. We will survive and triumph."
    Shouts of agreement rent the air . Wolf jumped up, raised his head to the sky, and gave a war cry. The other braves bounded from their seats and joined him. Over the din, Silver Wolf called, "We will avenge my father and Quick Rabbit." He punched the sky with his right hand.
    Sarah wondered who Quick Rabbit was. What else had happened that needed avenging? Benjamin's face showed his horror, and he rose quickly. Hastily, Sarah joined him. She realized his beliefs forbade him from listening to plans that featured vengeance and violence. While she did not share his revulsion at Silver Wolf's performance, being basically a nonviolent person, she did understand Silver Wolf's reasons and anger.
    " Sarah, we must retire. We leave early tomorrow," her father said.
    He must have seen the disappointment on her face .
    "The rest of the ceremony may not be appropriate for those of us who follow the rules of the Society," Benjamin added .
    Benjamin's blunt words embarrassed her .
    "I understand your decision to leave," Silver Wolf said, turning from the circle and speaking directly to them . "Our ways are dissimilar. Please forgive me if I do not escort you to your rooms." His voice showed no anger, only a tone of acceptance.
    Unwilling to leave before the ritual ended, Sarah replied, "Must I go, Father?  The ceremony is so unlike ours. I want to learn about the Lenape and their customs."
    Benjamin's face showed bewilderment and hurt at her decision . "Thou art a grown woman. I shall not force thee." His tone of voice confirmed the disappointment and the disapproval that his words had not. He pivoted on his heel and strode away.
    His expression brought her pain . He is really angry, Sarah thought. Should she leave? She squared her shoulders and looked up at Silver Wolf. "Would thou prefer I join my

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