Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)

Free Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) by Sher Dillard

Book: Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) by Sher Dillard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sher Dillard
his forehead creased in concentration.
    At last, she melted as she felt him explode inside of her.
    His throbbing heat sent her over the cliff as she too was set free to explode.
    “This,” she whispered into his ear as he lay atop her. “This,” she repeated.

Chapter Eight
    Drake woke with a grogginess that was unusual for him. He was normally a morning person. A fact that had always driven his family crazy with frustration.
    He shifted to pull Elsbeth close. The woman was amazing. She had woke him in the middle of the night with her mouth around him. Urging him on. Once he was awake and aware, she had mounted him and taken what she needed. All the time, giving him what he had desired.
    The woman had hidden talents. He wondered if she knew how unusual she was. That sweet combination of cool grace and wanton desire, touched with a beautiful body and a sharp mind. It was enough to make a man forget himself. No! It was enough to make a man realize why he was alive.
    Sighing, he pushed himself from the bed. They needed to begin if they were to make his goal by the end of the day.
    He looked back down at her. She slept heavily, her mouth slightly open, her hair falling across her face. She was a goddess.
    She whimpered in her sleep and pulled his pillow in close, hugging it to her chest.
    Give her a little time, he thought. She deserved it. She had been awake half the night. Enjoying him, enjoying the fact that he enjoyed her.
    Shaking his head, he made his way out of the huntsman’s cottage and down to the stream. He’d make her breakfast in bed, then they would have to be on their way.
    The morning mist had burnt off, and the sun was forcing its way through the green canopy of the forest. The dappled yellow and gold lighting their path.
    He stopped and turned to help her through a small ravine and over a trickling stream of water. When they reached the far side, he didn’t release her hand. Instead, he continued to hold it.
    She looked up at him and smiled as she squeezed her hand around his.
    “You know, for a princess, you are pretty good in bed,” he said. He liked seeing the fire jump into her eyes. It pleased the beast in him.
    She halted and stared at him for a moment. “You know,” she said, “for a man, you’re not as dumb as you pretend. Besides, you’ve slept with a lot of princesses?”
    He chuckled, the woman had an answer for everything.
    What was coming over him? he wondered. The woman was a wizard. She had put a spell on him. He, the mighty Drake, was walking through the woods, holding a woman’s hand like an infatuated school boy.
    Shaking his head, he tried to understand. But, he didn’t drop her hand.
    They broke through the forest wall and stepped out onto a meadow. An old beaver pond that had filled with sediment and been abandoned long ago.
    The ground felt soft under his feet. The tall green grass beaconing. He wondered what she would do if he pulled her down and took her here. He grew hard thinking of it. Imagining being inside of her. Hearing that soft moan of hers.
    He looked down at her. She looked back up at him, and he could tell she was thinking the same thing. The woman was insatiable, which meant the woman was wonderful.
    Smiling he reached for her, then stopped.
    Something tickled the back of his mind. Something was wrong. He shifted away from her and tasted the wind.
    No, not now. Not like this. Another beast had arrived. Another beast had invaded his territory.
    He searched the sky, turning and twisting until he located the direction.
    A burning need to protect burst into him. The beast demanded to be set free. It was the only way. This wasn’t a few weak men. This was another beast. A true danger.
    His heart pounded in his chest. A deep fear entered his soul. She would learn the truth. It could not be avoided. There was no other way.
    Elsbeth gasped when Drake stepped away from her. She had been sure he would pull her to the ground and have her right there.

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