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Book: Fabled by Vanessa K. Eccles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa K. Eccles
bed near the back. Chester settled into the one directly across from it. All that separated was a narrow walkway. And I have to admit that being that close to another man made me feel awkward. I tried to ignore it, but the silence weighed heavy between us until I couldn’t stand it anymore.  
    “Thank you for coming for me,” I whispered.
    “I didn’t feel right about disappearing on you that day in the woods. I shouldn’t have done that. I was scared. One never wants to be on Hans and Greta’s radar. But it doesn’t matter. As soon as I received your letter, I started planning for your escape. The guys and I knew the timing had to be perfect for any chance of us all making it out of there in one piece. That’s why we waited until the first white. We knew that the cold weather would send the gardeners home early, and that people would be more distracted keeping the house warm. Who would have thought that you’d be breaking out yourself at the same time?”
    I told him the story about how Dresdem wanted me, and that’s why I was trying to escape, which piqued his interest.
    “We’ll have to address this with the guys tomorrow,” was all he’d say even though I could almost hear his worried thoughts. “I’m sorry, Rowena, for letting you down.” He changed the subject.
    “I understand.”
    He rolled towards me. His eyes pierced through me until I felt compelled to meet his gaze.  
    “I’m not going to let anything else happen to you. I promise.” I could tell he was sincere, and it touched my heart a little. I felt happy to have someone on my side. My mind then made a b-line to Madeline. What are they going to do to her? I wondered.
    “Try not to think about her,” Chester said, seemingly reading my thoughts.
    “I’m trying, but I feel so guilty for leaving her. I wanted a better life for both of us.”
    “I know. What do you think they’ll do to her?”
    “I don’t know. I know the guard that was holding her when we escaped likes her. In fact, all men do. There’s just something about her. It’s strange.” I looked at him after realizing that he was a man and might could shed some light on their thoughts about her. He didn’t, though. His lips might as well of been sewn shut on the subject. “I’m sure they won’t hurt her badly.”
    “Even if they do. We can’t die here, remember? Pain still hurts, but it eventually subsides. The worst thing they could do is use magic, which unfortunately could last an eternity,” he said.
    I rolled over and fell into every nightmare my mind could create about Madeline. She could be a tree right now adorning the Tresels’ courtyard all because of me. It was too much. I cried a few tears but tried to suppress them so Chester wouldn’t hear. If he did, I didn’t know it. I drifted into a-thousand-ways-Madeline-could-die kind of dream. She was ravaged by the wolf, turned into stone, and turned into an owl (which wasn’t really that bad since I also imagined her flying with Humbert away from that wicked castle).  
    The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee and nervous, chattering voices in the living room.

Chapter 8
    I glanced over to see if Chester was still asleep, but his bed was empty. Slipping quietly out of the blanket, I crept down the long corridor, stopping just short of its entrance. The seven men were huddled over the dining table, which sat at the far side of the living room. Chester sat silently at the head of the table, looking like he was lost in thought.  
    “We’ve got to get her out of here,” one said.
    “She’s too high of a risk,” another proclaimed.
    “What if Dresdem gets one of his dogs to sniff her out. They could be right outside, and us all be none the wiser,” said yet another.
    “I made a promise to her.” Chester finally chimed in. “I’m not going to let him get her. And either you gents are in or you’re out. The choice is yours, but just remember that you owe me.” His fists clinched as he laid

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