Banished (A Retribution Novel)

Free Banished (A Retribution Novel) by Cindy Stark Page B

Book: Banished (A Retribution Novel) by Cindy Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Stark
looked over the golden
battered fish. “This smells amazing.”
    “Wait until you taste it.”
    She’d barely taken her second bite when Flo stood.
“There’s my boy now.”
    Violet turned her gaze toward the front door, the
two bites of fish dropping to the bottom of her stomach like rocks in the ocean.

Chapter Nine
    Ryan strode toward them, a black t-shirt outlining
the muscles in his arms and chest. Violet’s pulse spiked, sending an excited
current of attraction through her. Flo was his mother? No wonder he’d
recommended her restaurant.
    Why, oh why, had she come here?
    She forced her shoulders to relax in an effort to
calm her heartbeat. She didn’t want to like him. He was a convicted felon and
possibly as dangerous as her brother.
    Still, she couldn’t help but admire his strong
body and sexy swagger.
    She lifted her beer and drank, wondering what he’d
say about her still wearing his hoodie.
    Ryan was halfway to Flo with a smile on his face
before he noticed her. Violet caught the slight halt in his step before he
continued forward, glancing between her and his mother. He was obviously as
surprised to see her as she was to see him.
    “Ryan, honey.” Flo opened her arms, and he caught
her in a tight embrace.
    “Hi, mama.” He kissed her on the cheek before he
let her go.
    “I was hoping I’d see you today. It’s been almost
a week. I was worried something was wrong.”
    Ryan flicked his gaze between the two of them, an
unreadable look in his eye. “Sorry. I had some things I had to do.”
    Flo studied him for a moment as though they
carried on an unspoken conversation, and then she turned toward the table.
“This is my new friend. I’m sorry, Violet. I didn’t catch how long you’re
staying in town.”
    Ryan pinned her with a direct gaze.
    “I’m not certain. A week at least.” Her pulse
pounded against her throat, giving away her nervousness.
    “A week,” Flo said. “Maybe we can convince you to
stay longer. This is my son, Ryan.”
    She stared into his cool eyes, a shiver rippling
through her veins. “Hello, Ryan. It’s nice to meet you.”
    He dipped his head. “You, too, ma’am. Be careful
if you head out to the ocean. The tides can be unpredictable.” He deliberately
eyed his hoodie before he met her gaze again.
    She worked to keep her expression even. “Thank
you. I will.”
    He dismissed her with a blink of his eyes and
turned to his mother. “I’m meeting with the guys, but I’ll catch you at your
house afterward.”
    “Sounds good, sugar. I’ll talk to you then. I’m
taking home the extra apple pie, so you make sure you come around.”
    He smiled at his mom, and she wondered if she’d
judged him unfairly. “I wouldn’t miss it.” He didn’t glance her way again as he
made his way to the table of rowdy guys. The moment he sat down though, the
conversation seemed to flip from the game to something more serious.
    She hoped it wasn’t something illegal.
    “You two seem really close,” she said to Flo, as
she flicked a glance at Ryan and found him watching her. He looked away.
    “He’s the best kid I know, and he has a strong
spirit. He’s had more than his share of heartbreak, and I’m damn grateful it
hasn’t ruined the good person inside. It doesn’t matter what I need, he’s
always there for me.”
    She could see that side of him. The man Flo
described was the one who’d rescued her from the ocean. “You’re a lucky woman,
then. Not all sons turn out like him.”
    “Sounds like you have firsthand knowledge.” She
shoved the last piece of fish in her mouth.
    “My brother turned out to be a disappointment.” To
say the least. “I think he’s gotten involved in something illegal, but I don’t
know how to prove it.”
    “What if you talk to him about it? Maybe if you
offered to help?”
    “It’s gone too far past that.” She met Flo’s
searching gaze. “I think he’s capable of hurting people to get what he wants,
and I don’t know what

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