Rider's Kiss

Free Rider's Kiss by Anne Rainey

Book: Rider's Kiss by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
declared her off-limits to other men.
    Victoria smiled up at Grant. “Thank you for the offer, but I’m afraid I have to decline.”
    He nodded and backed up a step. “Another time, then,” he said before he sauntered off.
    Rider stared at the man’s back for a moment before he turned toward her. “You know, the thought of that man’s hands anywhere near you sort of makes me want to mess up his pretty face.” His eyes narrowed as if he was bewildered by his own reaction.
    Victoria didn’t know what to say to that, so she stayed silent.
    “On the other hand, I’d love to dance with you so I can get you in my arms and have my hands on you.”
    “Okay, but be warned, I haven’t had a lot of practice dancing.” She smiled as she stood. Rider took her hand in his and led her to the middle of the crowded dance floor. Once there, he put his arms around her and pulled her into his hard body.
    With Rider’s strong arms surrounding her, Victoria felt like nothing could ever harm her. She twined her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The rigid length of his cock pressed into her belly, and Victoria froze. When their gazes connected, Rider winked and rotated his hips once. Heat pooled between her legs, and her face flamed red-hot.
    “Don’t be embarrassed, Vic,” he whispered against her ear. “You’re beautiful. From the moment you walked through the doors, I’ve been slowly going nuts wanting you.”
    This was the moment she’d waited for half her life. The moment when she either went for broke or chickened out, as Rider had said earlier. “I want you too,” she admitted.
    “Thank God. It was killing me wondering if I was the only one suffering.”
    They finished their dance in quiet, simply content to hold each other and sway to the beat of the music.
    “Come back to the hotel with me,” he murmured. “Let me make love to you tonight.”
    Did she dare? Rider began smoothing a palm over her back, and she knew her answer. In the end, any good sense God had gifted her with flew out the window. For once, she went with her heart. Consequences be damned.
    “What about Reena?” She wondered why her friend hadn’t returned from the restroom.
    “She’s already gone. Her job was to get you here.”
    “That little sneak,” she said, feigning anger.
    He chuckled. “My sister takes her matchmaking job very seriously.”
    “I’ve noticed.”
    “So how about it. Care to blow this joint?”
    “Yes,” she breathed out. Her legs trembled, and she wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or fear. Rider did scare her a little. The way he affected her, so easily igniting her and turning her mind to mush. No man should hold that sort of power over a woman. Still, Rider may go back to New York any day. He’d be gone, right along with her one big chance. To hell with that.
    Victoria stepped out of his arms, putting an abrupt halt to their dance. “I’m ready if you are.”
    The slow, sexy grin that spread across his face sent butterflies to flight in her belly. “Music to my ears, sweetheart.”
    Without another word, he took her by the hand and led the way out of the nightclub to his car. In the dark, close confines of the interior, Victoria swore she saw him smile. It was feral and wicked, and her stomach went jumpy all over again.
    Damn, what had she gotten herself into?
    He looked like temptation in the flesh with his sinfully gorgeous black hair and intense blue eyes. Eyes a woman could drown in. Those eyes had been focused on her as if she’d been the only person in the bar. It was a thrilling notion. Yes, she wanted this night with him. She wanted to completely immerse herself in Rider James. He might not know it, but he was going to give her a night to remember.

Chapter Seven
    Rider watched her stare out the passenger side window. It was the strangest feeling, because just to watch her was to want her. She was so perfect, and she had no idea. With her nose all but pressed to the glass, he took a

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