The Omega Team: Hot Rod (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Free The Omega Team: Hot Rod (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Sabrina York

Book: The Omega Team: Hot Rod (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Sabrina York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina York
conjoined passion rose and rose like a fury, like a banshee howling into the wind. The cave echoed with the grunts and moans, her frantic commands. The sound of wet, slapping flesh urged him on.
    When she came again, he nearly exploded because she closed on him so hard he could barely move. But he held back, gritted his teeth and enjoyed her rapture and, once the wave had passed, he started pounding again.
    Something coiled at his core. Something tight and hard and needy. It grew, swelled. His lungs worked like a bellows. His heart thudded like a runaway train. His pulse thrummed in every corpuscle. His tether broke. A madness took him, a beautiful madness that sent him spinning into a glorious abyss, surrounded by bright lights and bliss.
    And her.
    As he recovered himself, he found she’d wrapped him in her embrace and was holding him. Holding him tight. Stroking him and murmuring nonsense.
    And as glorious as his climax had been, somehow this was even better. This warm, whispered twosome .
    He wasn’t sure why, but it was.
    “Well,” she said, at long last and on a gusted sigh. “That was a nice kiss.”
    He grunted a laugh because he didn’t have the energy to offer any more. And also, because it had been.
    A damn fine kiss.

Chapter Eight
    Sam didn’t expect to fall asleep in Matt’s arms, but she did. When she awoke it was to a cocoon of tantalizing warmth and the rhythmic thud of his heart below her ear. The hard bands of his arms enclosed her and his breath shushed rhythmically over her cheek. She knew it would be wise to extricate herself from this tangle of limbs, but couldn’t bring herself to do it.
    Instead, she closed her eyes again and pretended to be asleep and gloried in the rise and fall of his chest. It was amazing that she was here with him now, after so many years apart. To her folly, she allowed herself to enjoy it. Such a thing would only make their parting all the more painful, but she needed this. Needed the memory to sustain her in the lonely years to come.
    She knew the instant he awoke. His muscles tightened; his breath caught. He made a sound, something low and deep and woven with contentment. Slowly, so slowly, his hands began to move over her bare skin. Gently, tentatively, he explored her. His touch made the tiny hairs on her arms prickle, made goose bumps rise in supplication for more.
    She allowed herself to float back to a time when the world was pure and beautiful. When a boy and a girl made love beneath the stars, and pledged their eternal devotion with the moon as their only witness.
    I will always love you. I will always be there if you need me.
    Perhaps it hadn’t been a lie, so much as a wish.
    Perhaps, in her grief, she had villainized him more than he deserved. They had both been victims of circumstance back then, corks bobbing in a sea they could not control. They had both been so young. Maybe it was time for her to release her resentment and forgive him…a little.
    Though that was probably the rising lust talking.
    She hardly cared. She liked this new and welling emotion, one not tinged with bitter barbs. She hoped she could cling to it for a while at least, because it made her feel…wonderful.
    He made her feel wonderful.
    This time, their lovemaking was not frantic, was not a competition as much as a collaboration. They worked together, in concert, bringing each other to the edge of glory, each inciting the other to higher passion and dizzying release.
    When it was over, they clung to each other again and no words passed between them.
    No words were necessary.
    It was a long time later, after they’d shared the dreadful MRE—she’d forgotten how hideous they could be—after they’d donned the armor of their clothes once more, that they finally spoke.
    He stared at her through the gathering shadows with an intensity she could not ignore. “That was…unexpected.” A grave tone.
    “It was.” She busied herself with rearranging her pack, but only because the

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