Three Card Monte (The Martian Alliance)

Free Three Card Monte (The Martian Alliance) by Gini Koch

Book: Three Card Monte (The Martian Alliance) by Gini Koch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gini Koch
time from now.”
    “What?” Roy sounded ready for action. Pity.
    “We can’t actually tell you. Well, we can tell you some of what’s going on, but not all. Not yet. I need Ciarissa, and you need to be ready to leave Polliworld the moment the two of us are back on the ship.”
    “What? You just got back and we weren’t sure what we were going to have to do to retrieve you both safely. You are not leaving this ship without me, and that’s final.”
    I heaved a sigh. “Come help me get into my Polliskin while we argue and you don’t win. Oh, and Ciarissa, please get into your Polliskin, too.”
    She smiled serenely. “Of course, DeeDee.”
    We went to our quarters, and I changed back into me. Because it hadn’t been necessary, I hadn’t done a complete shift at any time. I hadn’t moved my mind to the place where I didn’t know who I was, because I knew I was someone else. The shifts had been short enough that I hadn’t needed to. My mind was still fully my own, and therefore I didn’t need to complete a full shifting ritual or use my Mantra of Self to return to being me.
    Which was good, because despite the fact he was upset, Roy managed to kiss me deeply and remind me again why it was great to be his woman.
    “Thanks for getting the taste of fly out of my mouth.”
    “I’d gag, but I know you didn’t eat any. They have a distinct tang.”
    “And you know this how?”
    Roy grinned. “You’ve had to eat flies before.”
    “Okay, you get to keep your special parts intact.” I began struggling into the suit while Roy helped me.
    “Good. What’s going on?”
    “I can’t tell you. Yet. I can tell you once we finish helping Monte live up to his name.”
    “You don’t mean you’re going to be sucking someone’s blood. Do you?” He sounded just a little worried. Too bad I didn’t have time to laugh about this.
    “No. I mean he’s pulling the ancient three card monte routine, or as they call it here, the Jumping Game—but with land, not cards. And he’s doing it with the biggest players around, thusly endangering everyone if things went wrong. Which they were, until we showed up.”
    “We’re being played?”
    “I don’t think so. I think we’ve been recruited to be the third card, so to speak. And we’ll be getting paid. You just have to trust me and do exactly what Bullfrog and I tell you. And you have to let me and Ciarissa leave the ship. Alone. I promise we’ll get back safely, and if we’re in trouble, you’ll know.”
    “Great. I hate it when you don’t tell me what you’re doing.”
    “Oh, I can tell you what I’m going to do. I’m rigging Monte’s Jumping Game to ensure that it works and leaves everyone thinking they’re the winners.”
    Ciarissa and I left the ship and headed into the Space Center. She was still wearing the head covering that made her look as if she was from Convent. I’d shifted to human male, big and imposing enough, without any clear planetary distinctions, in the kind of suit favored by both Underground and Diamante Families enforcers. However, this look was also fairly common on Convent.
    We passed through the Spillway and went through customs via the Respite section. The clerk barely looked at us.
    Once in the Space Center, we headed to the Swampland Zoo. “Why are we going here?” Ciarissa asked quietly.
    “You know.”
    “You know I don’t…access…anyone on the crew without their permission. Some strong thoughts reach me, yes, but I don’t search for them. Speaking and reading are not the same things.”
    “I know.” I paid to get in and headed us to the Wild Nature of Polliworld section. It was crowded with beings from all over. Good. I noted where the exits were, as well as which door said Employees Only. “So, we’re going to admire the wild nature and you’re going to tell me the nature of your relationship with Longdaddy.” I watched her out of the corner of my eye. “Girl to girl.”
    There were enough people around,

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