Naked Frame
ambitions. And he admired ambition in his managers—to a point.
Their job was to make him look good. What was good for him was good for
them. But any manager who sought to make himself look good would soon find
himself unemployed.
    He, and he alone, had the ear of the CEO,
William Smotherburn. Harvey was the ultimate Yes Man. Whatever Big
Bill wanted, Harvey got it done for him. No questions asked.
    But after twenty-three years, Harvey was
tired of being Big Bill's errand boy. He was ready to take over as
CEO. And now it would happen. Soon it would be his image in those
paintings. Standing at the podium, giving the Annual State of the
Company Address. Sitting at the head of the executive conference
room table.
    Perhaps he would take up cigars. He would
look dashing on a sailboat, smoking a fine Cuban.
    Harvey imagined how the management team
would react to Big Bill's death, and how he would reassure them. He
would tell them Kimberly Smotherburn was committed to the goals of
the company. She would not sell it or make any drastic changes.
    The grieving widow would appoint Harvey as
CEO. And once the dust settled, they would be wed, and fly off for
a two-week honeymoon at some tropical resort.
    But first Harvey would need to unload his
current wife. It would not be difficult. She had been unhappy for
years. And lately he had been deliberately antagonizing her. He
would offer her a generous settlement, and she would tearfully
agree to a divorce.
    Mrs. Kimberly Hamstel. He liked the sound of
it. And he could not wait to get that young, hot thing into bed.
How had she put up with Big Bill and his philandering?
    Good riddance to the old fat ass.

CHAPTER 17 - Tuesday, 11:44 a.m.
    "How was it?"
    "Mind blowing, as always, Baby." Kimberly
rolled over to her back and pulled the sheet up over her curvy,
naked body.
    "Big Bill was so fat. How in hell did you
    "—he pretty much just laid there like a side
of beef. I did all the work. But that's what happens when a
twenty-four year old marries a guy twice her age and three times
her weight."
    "I wish I hadn't asked. Now all I can see is
his big old ugly naked butt. I'm never going to get that picture
out of my head."
    Kimberly laughed."What about me? I've been
seeing it for five years. I'd pay anything if I could have those
memories surgically removed."
    "I'll bet."
    "But that's okay. The money will help me
    The phone rang. Kimberly picked it up as she
watched her lover get dressed.
    "Hello? are you, Harvey?...sure, how
about eight o'clock?...yes, I'm hot for you too, Babe...see you
    "You're not actually having sex with that
little runt?"
    "Of course not. I'm just stringing him
    "But now that Big Bill's dead, The Hamster's
gonna want to get naked with you."
    "The Hamster?"
    "Yeah. That's what everybody calls him
behind his back."
    "Well, The Hamster is a pushover. He's easy
to handle."
    "Okay. Good. I've got to go. I'll give you a
call later, Sweet Cheeks."
    Kimberly slithered out of the satin sheets
and walked into the bathroom. She stood naked in front of the
full-length mirror, admiring her physique. All original equipment,
and still perfect.
    She spun around and looked back over her
shoulder. Her tight little butt drove the boys crazy in high
school—especially in her cheerleader outfit. Go Bulldogs. Go
horndogs. Kimberly loved to get the boys all hot and bothered.
    A lot of them claimed to have nailed her.
Everybody thought she was easy—which made the boys lust after her
even more. She loved having a reputation. But in truth, she wasn't
about to give anything away for free.
    Five years ago, she was just another sexy
young woman applying for a job at Café Nue. She stripped naked in
Big Bill's office like the rest of the little fools. But when he
told her she would need to meet him in a motel room to continue
their interview, she told him to go screw himself, and walked
    Two days later Big Bill called and asked her

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