Heart Like Mine

Free Heart Like Mine by Maggie McGinnis

Book: Heart Like Mine by Maggie McGinnis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie McGinnis
corners of her lips. “Haven’t had enough coffee deliveries to think straight yet?”
    He popped his head back to its normal position. “How do you know—”
    Delaney pointed to her file box. “Research, doctor. I do very thorough research.”

    Chapter 7
    Research, his ass. Josh rolled his eyes as he strode past the nurses’ station and into his office. Of course, there was a steaming cup of coffee on the desk, dammit.
    He pictured Delaney’s cute little smirk as she’d pointed to the box on the floor of her office, and he shook his head. She obviously had him pegged as some lothario doctor who loved having his staff swoon at his feet.
    It wasn’t his fault they did nice things for him. He’d never asked anyone to get him a coffee—not once in two years. They just—did it, which even after all this time, still stymied him. He looked in the mirror exactly once a day—typically to make sure he’d remembered to shave, but he just looked like … Josh. Not Dr. Dreamy, or whatever he’d caught Therese whispering one day.
    Seriously. If Therese had known him in seventh grade, with his dorky cowlick and braces and the God-awful pants that his legs always outgrew before his parents could afford to buy new ones, he was pretty sure she wouldn’t be trying so hard to be the one who got coffee to him first in the morning.
    â€œMorning, doc.” Millie poked her head into his office, pointing at the cup. “I see you’re already supplied this morning?”
    He sighed. “Looks like.”
    â€œTough life, honey.” She smiled. “Are we expecting Miss Fancy Pants this morning? Or has she changed her mind?”
    â€œShe’s coming, as far as I know. Said she had to do some paperwork before she came down.”
    â€œYou want me to do the orienting? Or do you want the honors?”
    He pictured Delaney pointing at her door with her eyebrows raised after he’d offered to escort her to pediatrics.
    I can find my way, thank you , she’d said, her voice frosty.
    He sighed. “Let’s just let her decide what she wants to do today.”
    â€œThought you wanted me to make her an observation schedule?”
    â€œPretty sure Delaney Blair is used to making her own schedule, Millie. We’ll give her free rein today—just make sure everybody’s on their best behavior, okay?”
    Millie shook her head. “Great. Now I’ve got a full floor of patients, I’m one nurse short, and I’ve got to tiptoe around a finance office visitor.”
    She sighed as she turned to go. “What’s our plan here, Joshua? She serious about the budget cuts?”
    â€œAfraid so.” He looked at the mounds of paperwork on his desk. Somewhere under there was a folder of grant paperwork he hadn’t yet gotten to. Could he find some grant money to plug the holes she was about to dig?
    â€œCan I give you a little advice, then?”
    â€œDepends on what kind of advice it is.”
    â€œKill her with kindness, honey. Use those looks your mama gave you, and wear her down.”
    â€œNot funny, Millie.”
    She sighed. “We’re bare bones, Joshua. We cut any more dollars, we’re talking patient safety.”
    *   *   *
    â€œMiss Blair. Come on in.” At nine o’clock sharp, Millie motioned for Delaney to come into the break room, where Therese had just delivered her.
    Delaney stepped inside, but it was standing-room only, so she stayed by the door. All eyes were on her, and she tried to keep her chin up and a smile pasted on her face. She’d dressed down a little bit today, anxious not to appear like an officious health inspector—or finance analyst—on a mission. Megan had taken one look at her neat little short-sleeved sweater, skirt, and boots, and had shaken her head. Then she’d reached for Delaney’s top

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