ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Double Blindside (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Free ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Double Blindside (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White

Book: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Double Blindside (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly White
“Fine. Just a minute.”
    He steered me towards an empty corridor of the old part of the building that wasn’t used. When we were away from everyone, he stopped and glared at me. He was pissed. It was pretty obvious and I really wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t like I had did something wrong.
    “Why did you leave last night?”
    “If you don’t know, then I don’t know what to tell you. I shouldn’t have been there with you in the first place. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
    He looked ever madder, but I wasn’t backing down. Axl leaned in and my back pressed against the wall. His face was inches from mine and our eyes met. There was command in his eyes and it was hard not to respond to. Axl had a way of making me feel that was impossible to deny and the closer his body got, the stronger his pull on me became.
    “Do I have to spank you again? To tame you Sue?”
    I was speechless, what could I say to that? I should have been affronted, said something snide back, but damned if my panties didn’t dampen with the very idea. When his mouth went down on mine, I opened my mouth in acceptance and moaned as he pushed his body against mine fully. His hands stayed on both sides of my head and it was only his lips and tongue moving. I would have bent over right then and there in the hall if he had told me too to get his hands back on me.
    When he pulled away, I whimpered, wanting him back. “How do you make me feel this way about you? I can’t keep you out of my mind.”
    I wanted to believe him. So badly. Maybe I didn’t have to care what he was. Maybe men could sometimes actually change. I wanted to believe that with every fiber of my being.
    Then I heard someone calling his name. “Your adoring fans are waiting and I really have to get to class.”
    Axl moved away. I could see he was torn and I wanted him to stay with me, to give me what he had offered. I pushed against his chest and told him I would see him tomorrow. He still hadn’t moved from where I left him, the look in his eyes priceless. There was lust and something more, though I convinced myself that I was just seeing what I wanted to see.
    Axl called me later that night. I didn’t know it was him because I hadn’t added him in as a contact. I was already in bed and on the verge of sleep. “Hello.”
    “Hey beautiful. Don’t tell me you are already in bed?”
    “What other men are calling you in the middle of the night?”
    I turned the light on and tried to adjust my eyes. “You sure ask a lot of question for it being the middle of the night.
    “I want to see you?”
    “We’ll see each other tomorrow in math class.”
    “I want to see you now Sue.”
    I closed my eyes. God, what was this man doing to me? “It is kind of late Axl.”
    “Come on Sue. Say I can come over?”
    I should have said no. I was in bed, my long hair up in a knot on top of my head and my outfit consisted of shorts and a tank top. I didn’t have anything else on underneath and my face was scrubbed free of any makeup. “Fine Axl, but just for a little while. I need to get ready.”
    There was a knock on the door. Apparently I didn’t need to get ready because I knew it was him. “You are already here?”
    “So what if I would have said no?”
    “You wouldn’t.”
    “Well maybe I will.”
    “Open the door Sue.”
    I did, of course I did. There he was. His smile melted my heart and I moved back to let him in.

Chapter 5
    Axl’s eyes took in everything and then he stopped on the bed. I closed the door. “Lock it. We don’t want any disruptions this time.”
    His dark brown eyes held mine as we looked at each other. I knew that I looked a mess, but he was gorgeous as always. I waited for him to say something, do something, but instead we just looked at each other, not moving.
    “I think I like you better this way.”
    I looked down at the shorts and white tank top and thought he may be crazy. I kind of shrugged, letting him know I

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