Star Witness

Free Star Witness by Mallory Kane

Book: Star Witness by Mallory Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Kane
If he could connect Yeoman to Stamps and bring them both down, a small percentage of the corruption in New Orleans would be cleaned up, and Dani could feel safe in her own home. Not to mention that the win could catapult his career. “Well?” he said.
    “Well what?” Dawson responded. Harte could hear the amusement in his voice.
    “Come on, Daw. Did he say who the legislators were—and what was in the packages?”
    “Nope. He didn’t. But my C.I. gave me the errand boy’s name. Well, gave isn’t quite the right word.”
    “I’ll pay you back. Just let me have it. This could be huge.”
    “I tell you what. Sounds like you’re pretty busy with your witness, so while you’re babysitting her, I’ll have a talk with the guy and see what he’s willing to spill and how much it will cost.”
    “Thanks, Dawson. But remember, anything you find out has got to be able to be confirmed. I can’t use unverified information. I definitely owe you one.”
    “You definitely do.” His cousin hung up.
    It had started to rain while they were talking. Harte grabbed his umbrella and hurried inside.
    What he saw when he entered surprised him. Dani and Michele were sitting at the kitchen table, mugs of coffee in their hands, laughing. They looked up in unison. Dani’s smile faded and Michele set her mug down and stood.
    “Hi,” Harte said, amazed at how effectively he’d doused their good time just by walking in. “Don’t stop on my account.” He set the food and wine on the kitchen counter and took off his damp coat and tie. “Where’s Field?”
    “Today is his wedding anniversary. He left early and I’m covering.”
    Harte frowned. “He didn’t tell me that.”
    “It’s not a big deal, sir. One of us will be here twenty-four-seven.”
    Harte wasn’t sure he liked not knowing exactly who would be here at any given time. He nodded reluctantly.
    “I was just about to do my walk-around,” Michele said.
    “Take your slicker or an umbrella,” Harte advised.
    Dani and Michele both looked toward the front window.
    “Wow,” Dani said. “It got dark out. The weatherman said it was going to rain, but this looks ominous.”
    “Yep,” Harte agreed. “I just heard on the news that there’s a tornado watch and a severe thunderstorm watch for the entire area. They’re warning about hail and funnel clouds.”
    Michele grimaced and looked at her watch. “Mom was going to take the kids to a school play at seven. I need to call and tell her not to go out.”
    “That’s probably a good idea,” Harte commented, just as a low rumble sounded in the distance.
    Michele took out her phone and looked at the display. “I don’t have any service.” She stepped over to the window. “Still none. That’s odd. My cell service is usually excellent.”
    “Try the landline,” Dani said, pointing to a table by the sofa.
    Michele stepped over to the phone and dialed. She stood there a moment, then pressed the disconnect button, listened, then dialed again. Finally, she set the receiver on its cradle with more force than was necessary.
    “That phone doesn’t work?” Dani asked.
    “It works, but all I’m getting is that fast beep, you know?”
    “It means all the circuits are busy,” Harte said. “Try mine.”
    “Thanks,” Michele said. She took his phone and walked back over to the window.
    Dani turned toward her bedroom. “I’ll check mine too.” She ducked into her room and then came out again. “How long is this storm supposed to last?”
    “They couldn’t say. They seemed worried that it might stall over the gulf because of a low front. If it does—”
    Dani blew out a frustrated breath.
    “What’s wrong?” Harte asked.
    “Nothing,” she said shortly. “I just don’t like storms.”
    Harte heard Michele talking. “Mom? Hello? Mom!” She listened for a few seconds, then handed his cell phone back to him. “Thanks, but you’re not getting any service either.”
    “My phone’s showing no bars too,”

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