On Distant Shores (Exiles Triology Book 1)

Free On Distant Shores (Exiles Triology Book 1) by Mark Harritt

Book: On Distant Shores (Exiles Triology Book 1) by Mark Harritt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Harritt
sat with Moira, just petting them so that they would calm down. They watched movies and ate popcorn while they sat with the girls.  They spoiled them with doggy treats, and cuddled them.  The dogs slept intermittently while the movies played.
    His bag was packed and sitting on the couch.  The clothes he was going to wear were laid out next to the bag on the couch.  He walked to the spare bathroom for his morning wash.  After a hot shower and shave, he was wide awake.  He came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.  Jo was up and cooking eggs, sausage, and had putsome quick cooking biscuits in the oven.  She was wearing a robe over her usual tank top and pajama bottoms.
    He walked over and gave her a squeeze and a kiss, “And I was trying so hard to keep from waking you up.  You didn’t have to get up and make breakfast.”
    Jo blinked sleepily at him,“What kind of wife would I be if I let my man leave the house for three weeks without a good breakfast?”
    “A well-rested one, baby,” He replied.  He patted her on her stomach, “I would rather you and the baby get a good rest.”
    She shooed him away, “The baby and I are fine.  Go put some clothes on before I jump you and make you late for work.”
    Mike laughed, “Is there something wrong with that?”
    “Good point, but you have to go to work, and I’m not going to be the reason you get into trouble,” she replied.
    “Okay, okay, you win.  I’ll get dressed.”
    He walked away, and looked over at the dogs.  There was no way they would be asleep with the smell of eggs and sausage in the air.  He could see the soft, pleading eyes in the kennels, “Looks like the girls are awake.”
    “Babe, when you get some clothes on, can you let them out into the backyard?  They probably need to pee.”
    “Yep, I’ll get that done.”
    He walked to the couch, let the towel drop, and put on the clean clothes.  He put on khakis, a polo shirt, and work boots.  He put his belt on, then walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the holstered Sig P220 .45 and threaded it onto the belt.  On the other hip he put two spare magazines.  The brown leather belt, brown leather holster, and brown leather magazine holders with the basket weave design had been his birthday present from Jo.
    When he was dressed he let the dogs out of the kennel and carefully herded them to the back door so they wouldn’t get too excited and pee on the floor.  The drugs in their systems made that possibility a little more likely.  The dogs went outside, walked around sniffing, then did their business and came back to the house hoping to get in on the breakfast scraps.  Mike left them outside so that he could have breakfast in peace.  He could hear Fiona whine.
    Mike sat down at the table and put butter and jam on the biscuits.  The eggs were scrambled with onion and peppers.  Jo sprinkled cheese over the top of the eggs, and he put pepper and salt on the eggs.
    “You know, you should at least taste them before you season them.”
    Mike nodded contritely, “I’m sorry, chef, it will never happen again.”
    “Yes it will,” Jo stated as she kissed him on the top of the head.  She placed a brown bag onto the table.
    “What’s that,” he asked.
    “For the road.  I put biscuits with butter, sausage, and cheese in there.  There are six of them.”
    Mike grabbed her hand and kissed it.  He tucked into the breakfast and polished off the food pretty quick so he wouldn’t be late.  He finished his coffee, stood and turned to Jo.
    She melted into his arms, and put her head on his chest, “Are you going to call me when you get there?”
    “I’ll if I’m allowed to, it shouldn’t be a problem.  You know how it is.”
    “Okay,” She rested her head against his chest.  She definitely knew how it was.  She was always fearful when he left, and grateful when he came home.  This was the part that she hated.  She knew that in his line of work, there might come a

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