A Clash of Aliens (The Human Chronicles Book 13)

Free A Clash of Aliens (The Human Chronicles Book 13) by T.R. Harris

Book: A Clash of Aliens (The Human Chronicles Book 13) by T.R. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.R. Harris
Speaking as an off-species, I must say even now I can sense the allure of you within the room. It is quite an incredible power you have, and naturally occurring from what I understand.”
    Riyad was getting impatient. He had a ship being guarded by questionable individuals, plus a new lead to Panur that had to be followed.
    “So why take us captive?” he asked to move the conversation along. “Are you looking for our autographs or what?”
    The grin diminished slightly on the Juirean’s face. “No, I do not seek souvenirs of our encounter. Rather, since I am a Juirean, I still possess certain information channels, and recently I received a very interesting communication. It came from a command ship that was leaving the Formilian system.” Benefis looked at Arieel. “The communication was directed at any and all Juirean units within the Frontier. They have been ordered to be vigilant of your arrival in the Kidis Frontier, claiming that the main ship and accompanying fleet would be unable to maintain contact with your experimental vessel.”
    “They knew we were coming here?” Riyad asked.
    “Yes. They even knew your arrival time, and later the destination.”
    “Dammit, we have a tracker on board!” Sherri yelled out.
    “That could only have been placed aboard back on Earth,” Riyad added.
    “The communication also called for the assistance of any Human units in the area as well, although there are none that I’m aware of.”
    Sherri’s mouth went slack. “They’re working together?”
    “So what are these assisting units supposed to do with us?” Riyad asked.
    “Simply track and observe. Codes were sent that will allow local units to access your tracking device. So why are you being tracked?”
    “Hell if I know,” Riyad said.
    Benefis stared hard at Riyad. “Please do not insult my intelligence, Tarazi. I am not your typical naïve creature. I am a Juirean, a former Overlord. No one goes through this much trouble without cause. I acquired you so I could learn if there is anything in your activities that could benefit me. So what is your mission?”
    “It’s none of your fuc—”
    “Trouble, Riyad!” Sherri announced as she stood up. The Defender stationed along the wall drew his weapon.
    “What is happening?” Benefis asked, also standing.
    “I’m picking up more MK’s approaching the building from all sides.”
    An explosion came from all around them and the building literally rocked from dozens of flash bolts being unleashed on the guards outside. Sensing danger to his employer, the Defender in the room aimed his weapon at Sherri. She looked back at him and smirked, shaking her head. He triggered the weapon. When nothing happened, he panicked and tried it again…and again...and again.
    When he turned his attention from his defective handgun and looked up, Sherri was standing two feet away. She had to literally jump up for her right hand to connect with the left side of the seven-foot tall alien’s head, sending him spinning around several times before collapsing to the floor. Sherri bent down and picked up the MK.
    She aimed it at Benefis, who had discovered by now that his own weapon was just as useless as that of his Defender. “This one will work,” she said, and as a demonstration fired a flash bolt zipping over the Juirean’s left shoulder.
    “I do not understand.”
    “Understand this,” Sherri said. “Your building is under attack and we need to find a way out. Either you help us or it ends here.”
    “I can help! I have several emergency exits available to me.”
    “Lead on, my friend,” Sherri said with a smile, waving the MK.
    The Juirean rushed to the service counter in the room where the food and beverage processors were located. He reached behind the right side of the counter and activated a latch. Then he pulled the counter away, revealing an opening behind. He ducked inside.
    Sherri nodded to Riyad, indicating that she sensed no

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