Dead Awake: The Last Crossing
first I didn’t believe it
myself, but see for yourself Blanca. He spoke about her in this
poem, and I don’t know how he does it, but whatever this Malagra
is, that you’re talking about, I’m sure it had nothing to do with
the poems or this mans ability to foresee my good fortune. I should
pay the man for his good services. But anyway, whatever it is, or
if there is such a thing as your Malagra, I’m sure this is the good
kind of Malagra and not the bad kind.” I began to be agitated, as a
man is that is told his love is not for him.
    Blanca’s face dropped dimmer
and her sobbing increased to a louder agony. “No mijito, it is yous
that does no understand... Poor girl... No good can come, poor
girl. Somtin tragic will happen. Da curse espreads, and no one can
stop it, only, maybe, El Gauchito. But even his not naw answer my
prayer.” She cut off her conversation and went into a
meditation-trance, chanting some local prayer, again, to this
Gauchito. I immediately interrupted her, now perturbed with her
    “ Look Blanca, there is
nothing bad going to happen! So far, there has been nothing but
nice and good that has come out of these poems and I will not have
you say anything ill-predicted about Noelia! She is lovely and
good, and her relationship with me will only benefit her. I don’t
want you to be spreading any of your rumors or superstitions
around, especially when it might get back to her family! I mean –
the serious repercussions it could have on us! They are just as
superstitious, if not more, than you are, and that could have a bad
effect on her. Especially the way family influence is around
here... Maybe she’d think it wouldn’t be good to see me. No!
Blanca. I will not have you talking wildly about this any more!
This silliness stops now!”
    “ No, mijito, you
dons see... Poor child, I...” Now mad, I cut her sentence without
giving her a chance to speak.
    “ No Blanca, you stop with
this right now! I mean it! I won’t have any more of it!” My hand
was in the air and I was so irritated and silly that my face was
red. I must have looked like a lobster at that point, but all my
arguing, disputing and threatening was useless because she wasn’t
going to listen to me. So I just had to endure more of her nonsense
and, of course, more of her silly chants to El all popular Gauchito
    I left a little after that,
when I could no longer tolerate a second more of it. In all
reality, I think it got me so razed up because I had fallen in love
with Noelia, without noticing it yet and any thought of risking her
loss was a direct assault. Yes, I am sure that was the case, but
where and exactly when it was that I fell in love with Noelia is
unknown to me. I just know that as far back as I can remember I
have felt for Noelia in that same way. So I left the kitchen,
furious, wanting never to return. There was no change of opinion
taking place in Blanca’s mind ... or in mine.

    El Pajaro de
    The days passed by
comfortably. I spent most of my time with Noelia and saw much of
her family. Noelia took me to all her favorite places and I found
myself falling deeper and deeper into the pit of love, where no
escape could be found; though I would have had no part in escape,
even if there had been signs that foretold a future full of
torment. Yes, I would have gladly let the rope dangle that would
have pulled me out of the pit, for such was my case: an everlasting
well of love, a place that was magical, surpassing all I’d ever
hoped for.
    I found that my Spanish had
improved dramatically, or had been much better, than I thought to
start with. Noelia, too, had experienced an increased ability to
speak to me in Spanish, which she had scarcely learned as a child
in school, but had since forgotten it since her family only spoke
Guarani at home.
    Time passed by too quickly
but we were happy. Neither of us spent a wasted moment. Nothing, in
this new relationship, was difficult to

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