Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Free Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Lena Skye

Book: Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Lena Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Skye
they’re really all that I have. When Marcus and I blew up, they were around even when I didn’t want them to.
    “Yes, we’ve been together for the entire time. I really like him.”
    “ I would like him too if he gave me a credit card, paid my salary, and fucked me regularly.”
    I laugh, “Shut up! You are crazy. I didn’t want to tell you at first because I wasn’t sure what you would think of me, and I wasn’t sure what I thought of myself.”
    “So you have to tell me, how big is it? Do you enjoy it? How kinky do the both of you get?”
    “ All that I’m going to say is that yes I enjoy it a lot, we do things that I’ve never really imagined doing, and the rumors about white men are not true. He’s the biggest I’ve ever had.”
    “ He’s bigger than Marcus?”
    “ Yes, by at least an inch.”
    “ Oooh, no wonder you’re dick drunk. You’ve been avoiding my phone calls and when I do talk to you it’s been pretty short. Now I know what’s been going on,” she laughs.
    “ Sorry, girl I’ve been enjoying myself a whole lot for the last two weeks.”
    “ Believe me, I’ve noticed. So his little sister is having her party at the Wit and she managed to get the entire roof shut down for her party? They are fuckin’ loaded.”
    “ I know, it’s absolutely crazy but I’m looking forward it. I’m glad you’re coming with me and you get to meet Amanda the bitch.”
    We park at the Wit and start walking through the hotel towards the roof of the building. I capture a look at the both of us in the mirror and we look really good. If we had Cynthia with us we would look like the black Charlie’s Angels. When we step out onto the roof, I’m immediately made aware that we’re the only black people in attendance, that aren’t working the event. I know that it’s something that I’m going to have to get used to but it does bother me. I spot Kyle sitting on one of the white plush lounge chairs and I point him out to Sandy.
    “Damn, he’s hot. I don’t have jungle fever but I would be all over him too,” she shouts into my ear over the loud music.
    I look at him and smile inwardly. He is pretty hot and not just for a white man either. He’s universally hot, and no woman could deny that. I feel pretty lucky and I wish that I could walk over to him and plant a big one on his lips but I know that this isn’t the time for place for that. He and I are still keeping our relationship under wraps. I still don’t understand that concept, especially since he’s the CEO of the company. He shouldn’t have to hide what we have from anyone. I can’t help but think that it’s because he doesn’t plan on keeping me around for long. I sincerely hope that’s not the case because I’m falling in love with him.
    “Camille! You made it, I’m so happy you’re here,” Chloe shrieks as she approaches me with her twin. They’re twins but fraternal, and Chloe is the prettier of the two.
    “ I’m happy to be here, happy birthday to the both of you,” I say to the pair.
    “ It’s great to meet you,” Claire says.
    “ And who is this?” Chloe asks.
    I introduce the both of them to Sandy and she says happy birthday. We all do a celebratory shot together. I decide to walk over to go speak to Kyle but I’m stopped in my tracks when I notice Amanda take a seat beside him. She looks good in the white mini dress and Kyle is appreciating the view.
    “Aren’t they so cute together?” Chloe exclaims interrupting my thoughts.
    “ Well they both look nice,” I respond.
    “ We’ve been trying to get the both of them together forever. Amanda is finally deciding to make her move tonight. That’s why I invited her; I think that they just fit. Kyle’s interested in her but he doesn’t know how to deal with a real woman. He’s always whoring around. Hopefully they’ll settle down,” Claire says.
    My heart feels like it’s about to come out of my chest and my mouth goes dry. I’m a mixture of pissed, hurt,

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