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Book: 9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
faster song. I can swing dance, too.” He laughed at the
shocked look on her face.
hell no. I got your feet with the simple
two-step. I’d probably break something swing dancing.”
like this better anyway. I can hold you closer.”
were holding me pretty close with the two-step.”
close enough.” He pulled her in tighter. Her breasts brushed against the front
of his western shirt, making them peak like mountaintops reaching for the
warmth of the sky. Damn, traitorous
nipples . “Are you excited, Mesa?”
your panties wet?” he whispered, brushing those full lips over her ear.
bit bold, aren’t you?”
know when a woman is excited.”
this woman.”
he asked with a raised eyebrow over those damn sexy eyes. “Your nipples are
poking me in the chest. Cold?”
yes, I am.”
    “Liar.” His lips brush her neck.
eyes drifted closed as goose bumps danced down her arms. His hands settled on
her hips, slowly dragging her into the warmth of his embrace. God, the man was sex on a stick . Did he
think she was some loser in the bedroom that he could drag into his web with
eyes blue enough to drown in, lips full enough to lose her mind, and a body to
stop traffic at a green light?
course he did.
stepped out of his embrace. “I need a drink.” She blew the hair off her
forehead with a frustrated breath.
thought you were cold?” he asked with a smirk.
yours is cute enough to eat whipped cream off of.”
    Fuck! She
was so screwed . If he wants to get me
into the sack, he’s doing a damn good job of it, even if I want it too. “I
thought you weren’t supposed to seduce the guests?”
    “Seduce? Who me?” He grinned as he wrapped his arm around her
waist to escort her to the bar. “Beer?”
Buds in the bottle please,” he said, signaling the bartender who responded with
a nod.
you know?”
know everyone in here, pretty much. We also know the judge, the sheriff, the
lawyers, the schoolteachers, the principal, and everyone else. Most all of
those you see in here now are guys and gals I went to high school with.” He
reached up to wave to someone nearby.
don’t know what it’s like to be surrounded by people I’ve grown up with.”
    “Nope. I went to a high school where my graduating class had three thousand kids in
shit! Mine had one hundred fifty and I thought it was
huge. It took three hours to read all the names off.”
paid the bartender before he handed her the bottle, then tipped his to his
sensuous lips. Lordy, the man could kiss. The slow glide of his mouth over hers earlier in the dark, had been enough to
curl her toes, but the lip smacking, tongue tangling kiss he’d laid on her
after her bull ride still had her panting for air. She tentatively sipped at
her beer, hoping it would wash away the taste of the kiss. No luck. She could
still feel his mouth on hers. The slide of his tongue. Damn .
had to be split into two days. A through L one day and M
through Z the next day. It sucks living in such a large place sometimes.
I like having things to do all the time like shopping and stuff, but it’s crazy
not knowing who your neighbors are.”
don’t think I could live somewhere like that. I’m so used to living here. I
couldn’t be comfortable in a place where I didn’t know the guy living above me.
Concrete jungle comes to mind.”
    “Yeah. Now that you mention it, I don’t care for it much either.”
do you stay then?”
    “Because it’s home. My parents are there. My siblings are
nearby. I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for five years. I know where
everything is.”
wrapped his arm around her waist to tuck her in close to his side. “Haven’t you
ever wanted to move to a place you didn’t know anyone? Learn a new town, a new
one to

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