
Free 9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC by Sandy Sullivan

Book: 9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
biggest truck she’d seen in her life. White and huge with big mud tires.
Miller. She’s been hanging out at the bars since she turned twenty-one. She’s now fifty something, I think.” Once he got around the front
of the truck, he hopped inside and closed his own door. “She’s got to be the
worst dancer I’ve ever seen. Most of the guys tolerate her because she so
sweet, but man she’s hard on the toes.” Her laugh turned into a snort. Joel
roared with laughter as he turned over the engine. “You snort when you laugh.”
when I’m laughing really hard.” She placed her hand
over her nose and mouth trying to hide the sound. “It’s not funny, Joel.”
it is. I think it’s cute.” He grabbed her hand to lace their fingers together.
would.” What to make of this enigma named
Joel? He acted like he was attracted to her, but she didn’t know whether to
take him seriously or not. Could they have a fling for a few days while she
stayed on the ranch? She could. Would he be willing? The attraction was
definitely there on her part. She slowly pulled her hand out of his grasp to
wrap her arms around herself. What to do?
you cold? I can turn on the heater if you want.”
I’m fine. I got the shivers for a minute, is all.” She rubbed her arms to calm
the chills.
moments they pulled into a bustling bar in the center of Bandera. Tons of trucks
sat in the parking lot, but very few cars. Figures.
Everyone drives a truck in cowboy country.
walked around the front of the truck to open her door. Such a gentleman, but
then again, his mama raised him to be like that, especially around women. He
opened the door and held out his hand to help her down from the twenty feet off
the ground his truck stood—okay, maybe not that high.
should have dressed up more.”
look great, Mesa. Besides, most of the women in here wear jeans and T-shirts.”
I’m overdressed then.”
like you just the way you are.”
doors to The Dusty Boot opened and closed several times as they made their way
closer. She could hear the music playing loudly every time they opened. Several
cowboys stood on the porch and called to Joel when they reached the doors. He
waved back, but didn’t stop to chat.
walked inside only to be immediately swallowed up in the crowd of cowboy hats
and rhinestones. A band played from a small stage near the back of the bar. A
loud cowbell clanged causing her to jump. Joel put his lips near her ear. “The mechanical bull. They ring the bell when someone rides
for eight seconds.”
you going on it?” she asked, breathing in his cologne. All man, cowboy, and
musk. God, he smells good.
you will.”
    “Yep. I want to see those sexy hips swing with the back end of the bull.”
crept up her neck as she bit her lip to hide her smile. Sexy hips, huh. She
almost felt giddy. He thought she had sexy hips. “Okay. I’ll give it a go.”
smile he gave her could have set her panties on fire. She sniffed hoping she
didn’t smell smoke, because damn, he probably would melt the silk of her
baby.” A beautiful blonde scooted close and pressed her size double D breasts
against Joel side. “I’ve missed you. You haven’t been around here much, Joel.”
I haven’t.”
hang out? I’m free tonight and all yours.”
with someone, Brandy.”
Brandy this is Mesa. Mesa, Brandy.”
to meet you,” Mesa said, glancing at the woman hoping she could hide her disdain.
The blonde didn’t even acknowledge her. Well,
so much for pleasantries.
see you around, Brandy.”
cowboy. Call me.”
took Mesa’s hand and wormed his way through the crowd toward the back of the
bar. A large mechanical bull sat in the middle of a padded ring. Several people
stood around the outside of

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