Checkered Past (A Laurel London Mystery Book 2)

Free Checkered Past (A Laurel London Mystery Book 2) by tonya kappes

Book: Checkered Past (A Laurel London Mystery Book 2) by tonya kappes Read Free Book Online
Authors: tonya kappes
loved me.
    I could feel the power of his gaze and how the hunger in him arose without warning.
    I jutted the gun when he took a step.
    “Don’t you dare,” I warned. “You are a criminal and I’m going to turn you in.”
    “Laurel London,” Trixie spat. “You put that gun down. We have company.”
    I ignored her. I kept my eyes on the prize.
    “I’m not going to give this two-timing, bank robber, FBI killer any leeway.” My eyes narrowed.
    “I’m none of those, baby.” He tapped the table with his finger, all cool and collected.
    “You cheated on me with Sally Bent. I’m no one’s second place and I’m certainly not a backup plan, so you mosey your little ass on over to Sally’s to hide while I call the FBI.” I shoved the gun forward. “Go on, Trixie. Call the police.”
    Henrietta purred happily, jumping up on the table. She bounced over to Willie. Like me, she couldn’t resist his charm or his hands.
    “Did you get my letters?” he asked picking up Henrietta and rubbing down her back.
    Of course I got his letters. Burned them without reading them.
    “Did you read my letters?” he asked a better question. “I didn’t do it, baby.”
    “Liar!” I screamed. A tear dripped down my cheek. “Put her down.”
    Trixie stepped forward. “Laurel, I said to put the gun down,” she warned.
    “Aww.” His lips kissed Henrietta’s head. “She won’t shoot me with Henrietta in my hands.”
    “Stay out of this Trixie.” Hate spewed from my veins and out of my mouth. “You are harboring a hardened criminal who escaped from the state penitentiary. Call the authorities before I put some lead in his ass.”
    “I wouldn’t say he was a hardened criminal,” Trixie whispered. “Honey, put the gun down.”
    “Not a chance.” I could see out of the corner of my eyes, she was dialing a number. It had to be Derek’s and I didn’t care. He would be more than happy to have his time with Willie.
    There were so many times I had dreamed of this moment. Me. Him. My gun pointing directly at him.
    “You think you’re slicker than cat’s guts. You think I’m going to take one look at you and melt. You’re wrong.” I held the gun steady. I’m glad he didn’t know I only had one bullet in it.
    A few months ago, Derek let me borrow it just to scare anyone if I needed to, and he didn’t realize I had taken one of his bullets.
    “Baby.” Willie Ray’s eyes softened. He eased down and put Henrietta back on the table. She scurried off. “I’m telling you I was framed. Why do you think I’m here?”
    “To haunt me.” I sucked in a deep breath.
    Trixie eased her body along the wall of the kitchen and around the crown molding of the open door into the hallway.
    “Stay in there, Trixie,” I called and turned my attention back to Willie.
    Do not lose it. Do not cry in front of him. I was good at self-talk. Being on my own for all of my life, I did a lot of self-talk to reason me through some sticky situations. This was one of those times.
    “No. I heard you were working with some retired FBI guy in investigations.” He pointed to Trixie. “If anyone in this world would be good at that shit, it’s you, baby.”
    “You are so good,” I said, sarcasm dripping from my lips. “You always knew the right things to say. And I’m not your baby.”
    “I knew the right way to love you too.” He grinned, taking a couple more steps. “Does FBI boy make you feel like I do?”
    “Shut up!” I shook the gun again, but he got closer. Who was I kidding? I’d never shoot him even though in my dreams I did.
    He pulled me in his arms. My heartbeat skipped and skipped again. His smell, Willie Ray’s smell sent my memory into overtime. The warmth of his grasp, the tightness of his grip made it hard for me to tame the demons inside. The demons that wanted to be back in his arms. Safe.
    “I didn’t do it, baby. And I need you to help me.” He kissed the top of my head. “God, you smell so damn good. And you

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