Set Up For Love

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Book: Set Up For Love by Lynde Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynde Lakes
up something from the carpeted floor.
    Suddenly he was behind her. The cloth he clamped over her mouth and nose was acrid—her nostrils burned. He shoved her into the van onto the rough, smelly carpet. She flailed and kicked out. Then she plunged into darkness…

Chapter Twelve
    Agent Jill Grayson forced her eyes open to a blurry, too bright fluorescent world. She lay on something cold and hard. The air smelled of disinfectant. Muffled voices and moans came from a distant place. Was it her voice? A new urgency gripped her. Oh, God. Tess! She had to get to Tess!
    She tried to sit up. Hands held her down. The ceiling stopped spinning. It had brown stains and sprinkler stubs. A dull pain pulsed in her neck and radiated up into her skull.
    “Vitals are normal,” said a man in a white coat. “Have to review the X-rays to determine injuries. I’ll be back.” His footsteps faded.
    Jill squinted at the dark-haired man who held her down. With effort, she focused on his face. Dane! Again, she tried to sit up. “What am I doing here?”
    He eased her back on the gurney. “Lie still. You blacked out.”
    She remembered now. Someone had rammed them into a concrete divider. “I have to look for Tess!”
    “The doctor doesn’t want you to move until he’s checked the X-rays.”
    Dane held her there, leaning over her. Concern glinted in his brown eyes. “How are you feeling?”
    “Frustrated! Why did you bring me here?”
    “I told you. You blacked out.” His voice carried a trace of impatience.
    “Smelling salts would have worked,” she muttered, trying again to get up. He wouldn’t let her move.
    “Let me go. There’s no time for this—I have to find out about my sister.”
    He glanced at his watch. “Too late. All of Tess’ friends and the video people have left the campus by now.”
    She felt for her cellular. “Where’s my phone? I have to check in.”
    “All taken care of.”
    “I don’t need you to make my decisions or my calls.” She’d hit out at the closest scapegoat and was instantly sorry.
    “If you have complaints, register them with the S.F.P.D. The cops called the ambulance and your office.” He raked his hand through his hair. “Look, you’ve been out for over thirty minutes, and we’ve all been as worried as hell.”
    Her regret grew stronger. None of this was his fault. “I’m sorry I worried you, but I can’t allow myself to be coddled by you or anyone while Tess is in danger.”
    Dane let out a sigh of exasperation. “If you promise to lie still, I’ll see what I can find out.” He turned and went through the curtains.
    She hadn’t wanted him to go. But all she could think about was Tess. Jill bit her lip. Fear curled through her gut. It was as though she were watching sand pour through a giant hourglass. Soon the grains would all sift to the bottom. Then it would be too late.
    Time passed. It seemed like an eternity. “Your X-rays look good,” the doctor said as he entered her curtained area.
    “Can I go?” Please, don’t make me stay here.
    He nodded. Relief washed over her.
    The doctor gave her a packet of pain pills and handed her a glass of water. “Take two now and the others as directed.” He paused. “Do you have your own doctor?”
    “Yes. But you said I was fine.”
    “Your X-rays are fine, but you may need physical therapy for neck and shoulder pain. I’ll call for an attendant and wheelchair.
    “No, please.”
    “Shall I get your friend to help you?”
    “He’s gone. I’ll call someone else. May I use a telephone?”
    “There’s one at the waiting room desk,” the doctor said. “I’ll get a nurse to take you out in a wheelchair.”
    A nurse wheeled her into the waiting room. Dane stood and came toward her.
    Her breath caught. “You’re still here! What did you find out?”
    “I’m waiting for a call back. I’ll have news for you soon. I picked up my other car. I’ll take you home.”
    Aching everywhere, she was glad to see him,

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