Set Up For Love

Free Set Up For Love by Lynde Lakes

Book: Set Up For Love by Lynde Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynde Lakes
desolate. His work had taken his family from him, and it was his work that enabled him to get through each day, hour by long hour, without them. He recoiled at the irony.
    Jill’s limp hand in his warned Dane that he couldn’t let himself care for this woman too much. As long as he had this job, he’d never allow himself to love again. He didn’t want more blood on his hands. He’d help her find the killer, clear himself of all suspicions, then run like hell.
    Tess’ eyes blazed when she answered the phone. “About time,” she said. When her supposed mentor didn’t show up in time for breakfast, she’d survived on vending machine coffee and a few bites of a stale roll. Now it was already mid-morning. “Where the devil are you?”
    “Still working out the details,” he crooned. “This is even bigger than I thought. Hang in there, Beautiful.”
    She grabbed one of the limp pillows and socked a mean dent into it. “Did you see Charmaine last night?”
    Charmaine had been secretive about the video shoot and Tess suspected he was up to something with her.
    “What?” His voice sounded strained.
    “Charmaine. Did you do a modeling shoot with her last night at the studio?”
    “Hey, what’s with the third degree?” he shouted. “I told you yesterday, I’m concentrating solely on your career now.”
    Wincing, Tess held the phone away from her ear. He’d never yelled at her before. He’d always been fun, charming.
    “Are you listening, Tess?” His voice gentled.
    “I’m listening,” she muttered, twisting the telephone cord around her fingers. “But coming to this motel only to wait around all night doesn’t feel right. I just want to be sure that—”
    “You’re nineteen, kid. Grow up! This is a rough business. The producers pull the strings. They say where and when. Either you dance to their tune or get out. Which is it, Tess? Are you in or out?”
    It hurt that he thought of her as a child. “I’m in but—”
    “Is it you don’t trust me? I’ve gotten you jobs and that audition in Hollywood. Nothing sleazy. Only the best.”
    “I appreciate what you’ve done, but—”
    “No more buts. I think I’ve proven myself to you.”
    Everything he said seemed true. Maybe she was acting childish.
    “Look, Sweetie, how much do you want a career in film? I could drop this right now if that’s what you want. It’s your call.”
    She looked down at her bare feet and grumbled, “I told you, I’m in.”
    “Speak up, Sweetie, I can’t hear you when you mumble. Tell me exactly what you want, loud and clear. I don’t want to waste my time if you’re not totally committed to this.”
    “All right, I want it so bad I can taste it! Is that what you want to hear?”
    He chuckled. “That’s my girl.” She barely heard the click as the line disconnected.
    She glanced around the room—nothing to read. At least there was television. She flipped quickly past the news, looking for a movie. Ah, An Officer And A Gentleman. One of her favorites.
    By three-thirty in the afternoon, Tess felt bored and hungry for something besides vending machine food. If her hotshot friend thought she would wait here forever, he was very wrong. He and his big deal could go to blazes. She collected her things and headed out the door.
    The phone rang. She paused, torn. It rang again.
    She grabbed the receiver, ready to tell him off.
    The excitement in his voice stopped her. “My producer friend wants us to meet him in Sunnyvale. Your role is in the bag.”
    “Is it really true?” Keeping the receiver to her ear, Tess let herself fall backward on the bed and excitedly kicked her feet in the air, her anger forgotten.
    “Guaranteed. The audition is just a formality. I showed him pictures. He agrees that you’re perfect for the Shelly Simms part.”
    Unable to remain still, she sat up again. “Shouldn’t I have a script?”
    He laughed. “You’ll get everything you need when you get here. This is your big break,

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