Blood Match

Free Blood Match by Jessica Miles

Book: Blood Match by Jessica Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Miles
fact!” She said with her voice rising and snatching her hand away from him. “Tell your driver to take me home this minute!” Tears were threatening to fall. “How could you Ethan? You are my boss and here you are intentionally taking me straight from the office back to your house to do what, to seduce me…..? Under false pretences too! And you ask if I mind? Are you for real? How does this leave me, can I ask… how can I work for you after this?”
    She was getting more than a little upset.
    “Calm down, Serry. I’ll take you home, if that’s what you really want.”
    His voice had taken on a hard edge. He was angry and frustrated. She understood that. She also knew he was used to getting just what he wanted and she was refusing and defying him. Engineering her into this position was so completely wrong. They had only just established their working relationship and now it all lie in ruins. She could not switch between one type of relationship and another just like that, back and forth, as he saw fit. This was all going so wrong…
    What on earth was going to happen now, she wondered?
    He pressed a button on the dashboard and instructed his driver to take her home. He knew her address? – But of course he did…! She was sure he knew absolutely everything about her by now!
    They sat in silence… He was brooding and angry and she felt justifiably even more so with him. She got out of the car outside her flat without any parting words at all…

Chapter 14
    The weekend passed and she did not hear from her boss until the middle of the following week. Her mind was totally consumed with him. The thought of their intimacy and the heat generated between them made her feel faint with desire every time it passed through her mind, which unfortunately was most of the day. She was finding it very difficult to do any work at all! She was making stupid mistakes and absentmindedly kept doodling his initials on her notepad which really, really annoyed her. She was still so angry, confused and hurt over his little ‘plan’ to seduce her in such an underhanded way. She was not sure what his intentions were or what to do about these latest developments.
    At 11.45, almost lunchtime on Wednesday, she received an urgent email in her inbox.
    “Miss Green, would you join me for lunch please. I will be in reception at 12.”
    Serena considered the request. She didn’t think she wanted to have lunch with him. She was still very angry. She didn’t want to talk to him as she couldn’t trust herself for a second. Also, she was not that hungry. She simply couldn’t eat in his presence…. She decided to ignore the email. That would annoy him. Serve him right! At five past she got another email sent via his phone.
    “Serena, where are you?”
    She began typing her reply.
    “No thank you. Not hungry. I cannot think of a single reason why we would need to have lunch. SG, Social Media Consultant.”
    She hit send knowing this was quite likely to make him very mad.  It did. A few moments later, the door swung open behind her and he appeared at the side of her desk.
    “Miss Green. Can I have a moment outside please? There is something I need to discuss with you.” He said coldly fuming. She turned and stared into his angry golden eyes.
    “Please feel free to discuss it right here” She said sharply.
    She was aware of the interest this was arousing in the office. Their obviously hostility was causing heads to rise silently around them, ears pricking up.  Suddenly everything went silent in the open plan office. You could almost hear a pin drop.
    “I really don’t think that would be wise. The corridor, right now please…?” he demanded and waited for her to rise.
    “Are you actually ordering me to the corridor?” She asked aware that everyone was listening with acute interest to this.
    “Yes I am!” He replied shortly.
    “Alright then, Mr Karrigan. As you insist!”
    She rose from her chair and walked slowly to the corridor with

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