Altar Ego

Free Altar Ego by Sam McCarthy

Book: Altar Ego by Sam McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam McCarthy
for my keys, and let myself in.
    Once inside, I wandered from room to room, taking in the state of the place. Everything was as I left it the night before. The table still set and the sink in the kitchen still overflowing with dirty dishes. Our desserts were sitting on the tray untouched. I sat down at the table, put my head in my hands and cried. I could not stop the flow of tears and I had absolutely no idea what I was crying for.
    I don’t think I was crying for Adam. He had hurt me beyond all of my expectations and frankly, he did not deserve my tears.
    My phone rang from inside my handbag. The strains of ‘Dancing Queen’ rang out and I couldn’t help but smile. I dug it out of my bag and hit the answer button.
    “Hey sweety.” I tried to sound chirpy.  It was Max, and I had never been so happy to hear his voice.
    “What’s up Princess?” Instantly he knew there was something. We were so in tune with each other, we always had been. Each of us knowing and feeling the other one’s pain.
    “I’m okay.” I don’t know who I was trying to convince. Him? Or me?
    “Yeah tell me.” He replied. His voice was just the calming influence I needed. I wiped a tear from my cheek and poured out the whole sorry story of what had gone on between Adam and me. He listened intently to every word and then he said.
    “Get in the car Elise. Pack your bags and come and stay with me.”
    I paused before speaking. I didn’t want to put him out.
    “Don’t even think of telling me that you don’t want to put me out or get in the way etc etc.”  He was smiling as he spoke. I could tell.
    I smiled.
    “Okay.” I spoke quietly. “I will see you soon.”
    I ended the call and moved away from the table. I was on autopilot as I went upstairs and pulled out two suitcases from the top of the wardrobes. I Threw them on the bed and opened them up, before methodically going through my clothes. I folded everything neatly and managed to pack most of it into the two cases. I filled a vanity case with my toiletries, and when I had finished I stood at the dresser staring at my reflection.
    I looked a mess; my eyes were red and my skin blotchy. I glanced down and saw the silver photo frame which took pride of place. In it was a picture of Adam and I at our 20 th wedding anniversary. We looked like the perfect couple. How wrong could I have been? I slammed it face down on the dresser, not caring that the glass made a splintering sound as I did so. I slipped off my wedding ring and placed it on top of the upended frame.  I was about to make a new start and I did not need a piece of gold to weigh me down.
    Satisfied that I had cleared out everything I needed. I took the cases downstairs and placed them by the door. I went into the study and sat down at Adams desk. I opened the drawer and pulled out the fire box. I removed my passport and my birth certificate. Then I walked out of there closing the door behind me with a slam. It was not a room I had any intention of spending a single minute longer than I needed to in.
    Finally I picked up my laptop and my handbag and I opened the front door.
    I put the cases in the boot of the car and threw my handbag on the passenger seat. As I moved round to the driver’s side I heard Adams car pull up. I groaned to myself and got into the driving seat anyway.
    “Elise?” He got out of his car and crossed the drive. “Where are you going?” He asked. He looked tired, and run down. I for a brief moment felt a little guilty for just leaving him like this but I held my resolve.
    “I’m leaving Adam.” I started the ignition and put the car in gear, reaching for the door to close it.
    “Wait!” He shouted. His hand was firm on the handle preventing me from closing the door and therefore stopping me from driving away.
    “The kids...What do I tell them?” He looked forlorn and the sadness in his eyes was apparent.
    “Tell them that you don’t love me anymore.” I said brusquely and I

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