Days of Desire

Free Days of Desire by India T. Norfleet

Book: Days of Desire by India T. Norfleet Read Free Book Online
Authors: India T. Norfleet
at the movie theater.
    "When hell freezes over.”
    "Ouch, Asia. That was harsh, even for you." Jonny laughed.
    "Fuck off Jonny!" Asia spat.
    "Got damn it Asia when the hell are you going to cut me some fucking slack? I had no choice!”
    “I’m never going to cut you any slack. You had a choice; you just made the wrong one.”
    “Asia please, you have to understand…”
    “Jonny, I… What in the hell are you doing here; are you following me again?”
    “Asia, I come to the show every Tuesday night after a movie I want to see is released the weekend before, and you know that. I wasn’t following you; I was looking out for you like your grandf ather asked.”
    "Jonny, just leave me alone okay, please?" Asia was e xhausted from work and hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep since her grandfather died from cancer two months ago.
    "Asia, seriously, how long are you going to be pissed at me for something I had absolutely no control over? Your grandf ather didn't want you to know he was sick. I tried to reason with him but he wasn't hearing it."
    "Then, you should've tried harder. He was all I had left in this world." Asia expressed sadly as she grabbed her large popcorn and orange soda then walked in the direction of theater nineteen.
    Jonny was about to go after her but quickly decided to give Asia some space for now and try to talk to her again when the show ended. He felt terrible about keeping Melvin’s secret from Asia. On the other hand, he didn’t want her returning from the middle of her last year of law school just to care for him when he knew he was dying. He remembered the day Mr. Foster called him over to his house, which was his first week back home from the military...
    “Hey ma, you ready to go to the market?”
    “Yes, just as soon as I drop this lemon pound cake off to Ms. James across the street.”
    “Okay. I’ll grab something to eat and chill in the den until you get back.” Jonny stated as he made his way toward the kitchen.
    “I cooked fish, grits, and Canadian bacon and left you a plate on the stove. But go over to Mr. Shawl’s first. He called, asking me to tell you he’d like to speak to you as soon as you got here.”
    “Really, that’s a little strange, don’t you think? Did he say what he wanted? Is Asia okay?” He asked, trying to hide his co ncern.
    “She's fine but Mr. Shawl is closed up tighter than a scared clam in the middle of the sea.” His mother smiled.
    “Okay, let me go see what he wants then.” He shrugged, grabbed a delicious green apple from the red crystal fruit bowl on the table and was out the door. A few moments later, he was ringing Mr. Shawl’s doorbell.
    “Jonny, come on in son. How are you?” He smiled. His pasty, brown skin was hanging from his frail body as he struggled to lean on his cane for support.
    “I’m good. And you?”
    “Oh, I’m pretty fair for a square. Come here and help an old man get to my wheelchair across the room.” He pointed to the metal chair with the beat up pillow in the center.
    Quickly, Jonny helped Mr. Shawl to his seat. “Thanks son.”
    “Guess you’re wondering why I called you over here, huh?”
    “I am curious sir; I realize you don’t care much for me.”
    “Of course you are.” He coughed in a towel that was resting on the arm of his chair. “Jonny, first let me clear the air. I like you and I always have. The thing is, I saw how you and my Asia looked at one another the older you two got. I decided right then to intervene so y’all wouldn’t ruin your lives. I know you love Asia; I think she feels the same way about you but life was just beginning for you guys, For that reason, I had to pretend I didn’t like you to save both of you from a life that many don’t make it through.”
    “I’m so proud of you; you went and fought for our country and now you’re a computer engineer. I always asked your fine momma how my future son-in-law was doing. Anyway, let’s not get too mushy; I

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