The Oyster Catchers

Free The Oyster Catchers by Iris Gower

Book: The Oyster Catchers by Iris Gower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Gower
    ‘I saw the name, Will, and that’s why I came in. But to be honest with you I’m so impressed with that wonderful window of ladies’ boots and shoes, I thought that surely Hari must have done the display.’
    William shook his head. ‘As a matter of fact it was done by Eline here, my new assistant. Isn’t she talented?’
    Mrs Miller smiled at Eline. ‘You are very clever, Eline, perhaps you should do some of the windows in my Swansea boot and shoe emporiums. You could easily make a career of window displays.’
    ‘Don’t entice her away!’ William said. ‘I’ve only just found her!’
    He smiled and waved his arms around the shop. ‘What can we do for you and your friends? Anything you want I’m sure Eline and I can find it for you, though I can’t think of anything we’d have here that you haven’t got in your own emporium.’
    Mrs Miller smiled. ‘I’ll be honest, Will, my new shoes are killing me, the heels are too high for walking; pride must pinch, it seems,’ she added ruefully.
    Eline, warmed by the praise and by the way Williammade her feel a valuable part of the team, was anxious to please.
    ‘We have some lovely calf boots in stock, I could bring you those.’
    Emily Miller nodded. ‘I’ve come to buy something comfortable to wear for the rest of the day.’ She looked up at Will. ‘But while we are here, I’m sure my friends and I would be happy to patronize your shop, Will, get you off to a good start with a few orders.’
    Eline served the ladies eagerly and when at last they left the shop, each of them was carrying several parcels of new shoes.
    William smiled down at Eline. ‘It was my lucky day when I first set eyes on you,’ he said softly.
    It was drawing near to closing time and Eline was just clearing up after the last of the customers had departed when the door was flung violently open. She looked up startled to see Joe standing in the doorway framed by the evening sunlight.
    ‘What in God’s name do you think you are doing, woman?’ Joe stomped over the polished floor regardless of the clinging sand and mud on his boots.
    William stepped forward at once. ‘How can I help you, sir?’ he asked and there was an edge of anger to his voice.
    ‘There’s nothing I want from you.’ Joe stared past him at Eline. ‘Come on home and don’t you ever do this sort of thing to me again.’ His voice rose. ‘Do you think I’m not capable of earning a living for us now?’
    ‘Joe,’ Eline said anxiously, ‘don’t make a fuss, I’m not doing any harm.’
    ‘Not doing any harm; do you think I want you working in a shop when I wasn’t even willing for you to work on the oysters like the other women? Spoiled you’ve been, Eline. Ever since you were a child I’ve given in to you readily, but not in this, Eline, oh no! Get your things, we’re going home.’
    William turned to Eline. ‘Who is this man?’ he asked quietly. ‘Is he your father, your elder brother, what?’
    Joe’s face reddened and Eline felt the breath leave her body as, shoulders hunched, he moved forward aggressively.
    ‘I tell you who I am, you young whipper snapper, I’m her husband, that’s who I am.’ Joe caught Eline’s arm and drew her towards the door.
    Eline had time only to glance quickly over her shoulder, but that brief look was all she needed to tell her that Will was devastated by the news. With a mingling of joy and despair, she realized that William Davies had been drawn to her, perhaps was even beginning to fall a little in love with her. But at what cost? Her silence had made her a liar and now William could never ever trust her again.

    ‘How could she do it to me, Hari?’ William rubbed his hand through his hair so that it stood up on end. ‘I was falling in love with her and all the time she was married to an old man!’
    He looked at Hari, wondering why she was not agreeing with him, but she was staring silently down at her hands.
    ‘You knew, didn’t

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