Cassie's Cowboy Daddy

Free Cassie's Cowboy Daddy by Kathie DeNosky

Book: Cassie's Cowboy Daddy by Kathie DeNosky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathie DeNosky
mouth to hers, he heard her soft intake of breath, felt her body tense slightly beneath his. But when their lips met, she circled his neck with her arms and melted into him. At the small gesture of acceptance, fire streaked through him and he came to full erection. She might make him mad enough to chew nails in two, but he wanted her with a fierceness that knocked the wind out of him.
    He savored her lips and memorized their softness, adding an urgency to the hunger building inside him.When a tiny moan of pleasure escaped her, he accepted the invitation and pushed past her parted lips to explore her more completely. She tasted of minty toothpaste and sweet, willing woman.
    Her tongue met his in a tentative mating, and Logan felt as if he’d been handed a rare gift. She’d never admit it, and maybe she didn’t even realize it herself, but Cassie was letting him know without words that she wanted his kiss, wanted to taste his passion as much as he wanted the same from her.
    He loosened his hold on her to run his hands along her sides to the swell of her breasts. Her thin nightshirt was the only barrier between them and he could feel her nipples peak in anticipation of his touch. The knowledge sent a fresh surge of need straight to his groin.
    Rubbing the tight nubs with his thumbs, he kissed his way to the rapid pulse at the base of her throat. “Feel good, sugar?”
    He lowered his head and touched first one taut peak, then the other with his tongue. Her nails scored his bare back and she moaned softly. Impatient to taste the puckered flesh without the hindrance of the thin cotton fabric, he reached down and lifted the tail of the shirt to expose her bare breasts to his appreciative gaze.
    â€œBeautiful,” he said, taking her into his mouth.
    As he teased and coaxed her, she arched her back and threaded her fingers through his hair. Shifting his position, he pressed the hard ridge of his erection against her thigh, allowing her to feel what she did to him, how much she made him want her.
    Never in his entire life had he been aroused faster or wanted a woman more than he did Cassie at that very moment. And not just physically.
    Well, hell! Why did he have to have that grand revelation now? He had no business longing for the things Cassie made him want. Things he knew damned good and well he could never have.
    Rolling to her side, he pulled her nightshirt down to cover her breasts, then sat up. “Look, I…”
    What was he going to say? What could he say? He for damned sure wasn’t going to tell her he was sorry, because for all the hell he was going through now, her soft flesh beneath his and her sweet taste on his lips were worth whatever torture he had to endure.
    â€œI’ll…uh, see you in the morning,” he finally said, rising to his feet.
    He didn’t look back as he crossed the room. He couldn’t. If he did, he wasn’t sure he could walk away before he did something that both of them would end up regretting. And he couldn’t bear the thought of Cassie having regrets about making love with him.
    Cassie watched Logan walk to the door without a backward glance. He closed it behind him with a quiet click and only then did she manage to get her lungs to take in air again.
    What in heaven’s name had gotten into her? She’d never in her entire life been the passionate type. Nor had she ever questioned that lovemaking was anything but mildly pleasurable for a woman. Not even in the early days of her marriage when love was new and she’d been blinded to Stan’s selfish nature hadshe felt such intense sensations or longed for more. But all Logan had to do was touch her and she seemed to lose every ounce of common sense she possessed and turn into a bundle of wanton need.
    Her cheeks burned as she remembered clutching his head to her, reveling in the feel of his hot, wet mouth drawing deeply on her breast. Her nipples peaked and the

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