Guardian's Challenge

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Book: Guardian's Challenge by Bronwyn Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bronwyn Green
Tags: Romance
her body exhausted. Asher wrapped his arms around her, and she collapsed against him, clinging to his broad shoulders in relief as he lifted her from the water.
    Asher could barely swallow past the lump in his throat as he crushed Neeve against his body. As the sun rose, he’d feared he’d find her body floating in the waves or crumpled on the shore, lifeless and broken. The relief spiraling through him was greater than anything he’d ever experienced, and for a moment, he could barely breathe.
    Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. Her lips were blue tinged and dark crescents marred the skin beneath her bloodshot eyes. Her normally silken hair was a knotted mess with bits of seaweed tangled into the mass and glazed with salt, but he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. She shivered almost violently in his arms as they left the water, and he didn’t miss the longing in her gaze as she spied the fire crackling further down the shore.
    Joseph followed her line of vision. “Of those who survived, at least half blame the wreck on having a woman on board. It’s best if we stay out of their way.”
    Asher muttered his agreement.
    She nodded mutely, her head slumping against his chest and her eyes dropping closed. He’d almost lost her. They’d searched for hours—diving under the waves and the debris, searching the bodies of those who’d perished. It seemed ridiculous that most sailors couldn’t swim, but thank the gods Neeve could. He didn’t know what he’d do if he’d lost her.
    Still holding her closely, he settled onto a huge piece of driftwood while Joseph gathered smaller pieces to use for a fire. It was unlikely that the remaining crewmen would have enough energy to attack her, but he didn’t want to risk it by bringing her over there. They’d have her warm again soon enough. And he’d never let her out of his sight again.
    She stirred briefly, before settling against his chest again, her fingers opening and closing against his skin, her breath warming his flesh. Her spirit melted the cold rock his heart had become since she’d left so many months ago. He smoothed a hand over her snarled hair, unable to keep from touching her. He noticed more things as he stared at her. The gash by her hairline, the bruise on her temple. Discolored flesh peeked above the neckline of her dress, and he could only imagine the cuts and bruises that lay beneath her ruined clothing.
    Neeve continued to sleep the slumber born of exhaustion while Joseph managed to get a small fire going on the beach. Asher had a moment’s guilt for not helping his friend, but he couldn’t force himself to let go of her—even for a moment.
    Looking up from the woman lying in his arms, Asher recognized the ship’s captain trudging toward them, followed by several soldiers on horseback. The colors of the Pryderi warriors were unmistakable. Asher rose, and Neeve woke in his arms. Noticing the approaching riders, she struggled to get to her feet. He reluctantly lowered her to the ground but kept his arm around her.
    She seemed so weak, he wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to remain standing.
    The haggard looking captain gestured to Neeve. “This is the healer Maelgwn sent.” The bitterness in the man’s voice was unmistakable.
    One of the warriors nudged his mount forward and addressed Neeve. “Our lords command your presence. You will return with us now.”
    Before Asher could respond, Neeve’s chin rose slightly as she held the other man’s gaze. “Of course. My mates and I would happy to accompany you. I assume you’ve brought mounts for us?”
    Asher bit back a smile at her tone while she watched the man expectantly. They stared at her for a moment before turning to bark out orders to his troops. Two men dismounted and brought their horses to the front of the line.
    The warrior who’d been speaking to them nodded toward the animals. “Mount up and follow us.”
    Asher helped Neeve onto a horse’s back and climbed up

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