
Free TrickorTreat by Madeleine Oh

Book: TrickorTreat by Madeleine Oh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeleine Oh
Buster! I clearly said, no back door. What’s this for?”
    “Apologies. I thought you meant no anal sex. Didn’t realize
you meant no sex toys either.” He stood up, picked the tube and plug up and
walked over to the trash and dropped them in. “If you don’t agree, we don’t do
    The sight of the full dress pirate pumping the lid of the
pedal bin made her smile. “Are we going upstairs now?”
    “Soon.” He walked over and stood beside her. She made to get
up but his hand, strong on her shoulder stopped her. “Just two more things. I
want to explain our roles, and give you your safeword.”
    “What’s a safeword?” She could guess. The thought of needing
one had her fists clenched. Was this really a good idea?
    How could she doubt it when he smiled down at her, his dark
eyes twinkling. Sex with Jud would be fun. If they ever got that far! ‘Make her
wait’ seemed to be his modus operandi.
    “A safeword, my dear, is the most important communication
between us. If I do anything you want me to stop, use it.”
    “What happened to ‘just say no’?”
    “In the fantasy we’ll be playing out, ‘no’ will be part of
the fun. I’m the big, bad pirate, abducting and ravishing my virgin captive. I
expect you to say ‘no’ a good few times, and I will totally ignore your pleas
for mercy, and have my wicked way with you.”
    Her chest went so tight she gasped. “Why?”
    His hand eased up her shoulder to the base of her neck. She
couldn’t hold back the shiver. “Because my beautiful, the prospect excites me
and judging by the flush on your face, and the sparkle in your eyes, it arouses
you too. No matter how much your reason says ‘no’.”
    It’s not so much reason saying ‘no’. Force and rape are
    “I agree, dear. So does any decent, right-thinking human,
but this is play. I could no more rape you than cut off my own head. I want to
play subduing you. I want to pretend to overpower you. To make believe you’re
helpless, but you’ll be in control of the action. At the word from you, we
    “If that’s the case, how come you call me submissive? Seems
I’m the one controlling the action.”
    His cool lips on her forehead underscored just how flushed
and hot she’d become. “Right first time, Katie. You do. It’s all a big game,
for our mutual pleasure. I act the big baddie. You pretend to be the frail,
little captive, and together we have a marvelous time.”
    If they didn’t she’d need a conversation with her vibrator!
She was so hot for it that his fingertips stroking the neckline of her dress
had her itching inside. She was so wet between her legs. She could smell
herself over the coffee in their mugs, and his musky aftershave. “Let’s get
started then, Long John Silver.”
    “I’m Black Jack Tar, and you’d better remember that, my
pretty! But first, the safe word. What’s your full name?”
    “Katherine Marjorie Fairfax.”
    “Use that. Say your full name, and I’ll stop whatever I’m
    “Okay.” Maybe that rotten middle name would have its use. “I
say it. We stop. What happens next? You go home?”
    “Hell, no! I ask what’s the matter, and do something else.”
He put both hands on her shoulders and looked down at her with need-dark eyes.
“I’m not walking out on you, until you are so sated, you don’t know what day it
is. Heck, I’m not leaving then. I plan on taking you out for breakfast.”
    “I’m going to live that long then? You don’t make your
captives walk the plank?”
    “Nah! I’d much rather strip you naked and ravish you, Lady
Katherine, my virgin prisoner.”
    “I’ve news for you, Black Jack Tar. I’m not a virgin!”
    “Thank God for that!”
    He pulled her close, angling his hips into hers. Yes, he
didn’t need a shy virgin! He had a raging hard-on, and if the pressure on her
belly was anything to go by, he was enormous. His hands heated through the thin
fabric. His fingers splayed on her

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