Flesh: Part Ten (The Flesh Series Book 10)

Free Flesh: Part Ten (The Flesh Series Book 10) by Sky Corgan

Book: Flesh: Part Ten (The Flesh Series Book 10) by Sky Corgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Corgan

    There is absolutely
no way that I'm going to fuck in the middle of a furniture store
where I regularly do business. Doesn't Lucian know that there are
cameras all over the place? We'll get caught. Walter, or someone else
whom I've probably met in person, will see us. That's ten times worse
than being spied on by Lucian's limo driver, who has likely watched
him have sex with dozens of women and paid no mind to it.
    “ Not
happening.” I use as much force as I can muster to push myself
out of Lucian's arms.
    I'm not dumb enough
to think he'll give up that easily. The man is tenacious when it
comes to getting what he desires. If I want to get out of this, I
need to escape.
    I take long strides
to the room divider, trying to squeeze my chubby body through it
before Lucian has a chance to get to me. He's too fast though. My hip
hasn't even popped through to the other side before his arms are
around me, pulling me back. Not just pulling me back, but picking me
    I want to scream,
but that would draw attention to us, and I definitely don't want the
cops called because he's being unruly. If Tyra caught wind of that,
she'd likely cancel his contract and force me into pressing charges.
A worse situation than the one I'm currently in.
    “ Lucian,”
I growl at him, keeping my voice low. My legs flail while I try to
pry his arms from around me.
    He effortlessly
throws me onto the bed. It creaks beneath my weight, and I cringe at
the sound. Damn cheap, crappy bed. No wonder it's hidden behind
    Lucian stands in
front of me, filling the small space between the room divider and the
bed. I glare at him for a split second, at the blatant predatory look
in his eyes, before I realize that he's unzipping his slacks.
    “ Lucian,
no.” I place both of my hands over his crotch as if it will
keep him from pulling his dick out. It doesn't. My palms touch hot
smooth skin, and my face turns about ten different shades of red in
the blink of an eye.
    Lucian roughly grabs
me by my hair, tugging me forward. I gasp at the force of it. “You
want to please me? Then start sucking.”
    My mouth falls
agape, and I'm honestly surprised that he doesn't take advantage of
the situation and shove his dick down my throat. He's usually pretty
good at acting on any opening he can find—exploiting any
weakness in my exterior.
    The smell of his sex
invades my nostrils and perks my hormones, but this isn't the place
or time for being aroused. My eyes dart to the gaps in the room
dividers, then at the visible corners of the ceiling and columns to
look for video cameras. For the briefest of moments, I consider
giving in to desire, but then I remember how much is at stake. I
would lose my job if we got caught. There's no doubt in my mind about
    “ Not
right now, Lucian,” I say gently, hoping that by being calm, it
will make him reconsider. Being upset and panicked just seems to turn
him on more, to make him act out against me.
    “ I
can't think of a better time.” He strokes himself lazily.
There's not even a hint of concern on his face that we might get
caught. His expression is all lust and expectation.
    “ I
can think of a thousand better times,” I grumble.
    “ You
want me to buy furniture, yes? This is how you're going to get me to
do it.” There's a wicked gleam in his eyes as if he knows he's
got me right where he wants me.
    “ That's
a low blow to strike. Threatening my job for a blowjob.” I
glare at him. This assholery definitely doesn't make me want to suck
him off. Would he really back out of the contract if I don't give in
to his sexual demands?
    “ I'm
just trying to give you motivation.” He smirks.
    “ The
only thing you're motivating me to want to do is bite your dick when
it's in my mouth.” I cross my arms over my chest.
    “ Oh,
come on, Amy. It will be fun. Live a little.”
    I'm starting to
wonder why his idea of me living a little always seems to involve
compromising myself or something important

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