Soldier's Heart

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Book: Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Paulsen
gamey dogs won’t eat it, and hard beans. We bile the beans and use them for a meal, then use the leftover beans for soup the next day and on the third day take any cooked beans that are left, dry them and crush them and boil them for coffee. The men don’t like them much and there’s talk of hanging the commissary officer. It ain’t but just talk, but some don’t smile when they say it.”
    There wasn’t much of a war, Charley decided early on, but there was a lot of playacting and once he got inside it he found it mostly boring.
    They did something they called “drills” andthe “manual of arms,” working in the hot sun in the compound area of Fort Snelling until they were soaked with sweat and Charley felt he could snap his rifle from left shoulder heft to right shoulder heft as good as any man in any army had ever done it.
    They fired some but there wasn’t much ammunition and when the sergeants tried to make them hit targets a quarter mile off, Charley nearly laughed. He’d hunted his whole life and knew about shooting, but the rifles they were issued were .58-caliber rifled muskets that fired a hollow-base bullet called a minié ball, named after the Frenchman who had invented it. The rifles thundered but lacked the flat crack of his smaller-bore hunting rifle, and he found that nearly a third of the time the bullet seemed to fly end over end and it was all he could do to hit a target fifty yards off. A quarter mile—over four hundred yards—seemed silly.
    But they practiced anyway and stood and fired and dropped to one knee, and then thenext rank stood and fired and dropped. They reloaded by biting the end off the paper cartridge, pouring the powder down the bore and setting the bullet on the powder with the ramrod. Then a cap on the nipple, the hammer back and fire again—they said a man could do it three times a minute but Charley somehow never managed more than twice.
    When they couldn’t afford to expend any more live ammunition they practiced with empty rifles, again and again, until Charley was sick to death of the drilling and wheeling and marching and fake loading.
    It would be different, he thought, if the leaders knew what they were doing. But the officers and sergeants had been civilians like the rest of the men and mostly had been elected by the men themselves and had to learn as they went along, using an army manual for close-order drill.
    It seemed all they did was drill and sweat and listen to sergeants and corporals bellow atthem and as the weeks passed Charley grew more and more bored and was beginning to pay attention to his mother’s letters. She had taken to thinking of the bad side of the war and was in fear that Charley would get killed and wrote three times a week.
    â€œI know it ain’t right,” she wrote in one letter, “but you must think on coming home now. Just leave the army and walk home before they get you in a battle and shoot you apart.…”
    Like most of the men, Charley doubted there ever would be a battle. Minnesota was mostly wild then, with Sioux and Chippewa Indians to the north and west, and there were some frontier forts on the edge of the wilderness to deal with any difficulties. These posts were manned by regular army troops, which Lincoln needed now to fight in the war, and there was talk in the ranks that the Minnesota volunteers would be used to replace the army troops at the frontier forts so the regular army could go east to fight.
    â€œIt’ll be all mosquitoes and muck,” a corporal named Massey said during a break in drilling one afternoon. “They don’t let me go fight the rebels and I might pull foot and leave.…”
    It was all rumor, of course, but what with his mother’s letters (she wrote more often all the time of deserting), the boredom of constant drilling in the hot sun, and now the talk of being sent to relieve the frontier forts so that the

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