Nell Thorn

Free Nell Thorn by Sophie Angmering

Book: Nell Thorn by Sophie Angmering Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Angmering
eyes to study Angel watching her.
    “You are very beautiful,” he said. “Clever, too.”
    “And you are very charming,” Nell countered promptly, “and, I’m thinking, dangerous.”
    Angel gave a long, slow, predatory smile, revealing beautiful teeth.
    “I can smell him on you, you know.”
    Nell looked at him blankly. Angel picked up one of her feet and examined it in minute detail, almost brushing her skin with his nose as he inhaled along the line of her foot and up towards her knee. “It’s a delightful combination, both his scent…and yours.”
    Her legs weakened, and even Nell could smell the scent of her desire as Angel worked his way up to her dampening crotch, pushing the sheet out of his way as he went.
    There was no mystery about how aroused she was becoming.
    Don’t be such a slut , she told herself desperately. Surely you can resist this?
    Rowe didn’t ,a little voice in her head whispered.
    His tongue was hot against her as he licked her between the legs, long and hard from back to front. Nell gave a groan as her entire body started to prickle with desire.
    “Oh, yes,” she breathed as he started to rub the flat of his tongue against her clitoris and snake the tip into her, licking, as she rocked against him. An orgasm started to build low in her abdomen, climbing towards an inevitable peak as he continued to suck and lick at her. Nell moaned once more.
    Then he stopped, smiled, and watched her face as her arousal ebbed.
    Nell frowned at him, puzzled, her body subsiding from being on the edge of orgasm to being merely on edge.
    “What…?” Nell started to ask him, but Angel pushed her legs open and resumed his task of licking and sucking. Her climax rose far harder and faster than before, so when he stopped again she was too close to be nice about it.
    “What…are you doing?” she gasped at him, her body by now a seething, panting, sweating piece of arousal.
    “Enjoying the sight of the infamous Nell Thorn, legs spread, tits shaking as she gets angry at me”—Angel laughed as he rolled away from her—“because I won’t let her come.”
    Nell stared at him, speechless.
    “He didn’t come either, did he?” Angel went on. “I could taste that, too.”
    The memory of Rowe coming in her mouth made her self-consciously moisten her lips. Angel was not as clever as he thought he was.
    “What kind of pervert are you?” she asked him finally.
    “Oh, sweet Nell, you have no idea.” Angel laughed.
    He seized her hands and kissed them in turn. “Just to make sure you save yourself for me, darling. No touching, eh? And as for Rowe, if only he was just a power-hungry, self-serving Rim Lord.” Angel sighed as he stood and turned his attention back to the control panels, touching several before sitting back and rubbing his face with one hand. “If. Only.”
    “So what is he, if not that?”
    “To most on the Rim, he is the far Eastern Complex, and his collective has always been the means by which they have survived this far out on the edge of space. You were not too far off with your guess of a popular leader. Quite simply, to the people of the Eastern Complex, Woodson Rowe is a living god.”

Chapter Eleven
    In Nell’s opinion, the living god seemed rather pissed off when he finally caught up with the two of them, in a bar a safe distance away from where the Council was meeting.
    His face, as he walked across the grotty bar towards them, was an absolute picture.
    Of naked anger.
    Rim Lord Woodson Rowe. 
    She never would have guessed that the man she’d scraped off a roadside on Egalita Prime could ever have been so critical to such a sensitive area of space. Did Rim Lords not have personal guards? Or maybe that was where his suspicions regarding Angel came in.
    Nell suddenly felt absurdly shy in front of Rowe and ducked her head down. Last time she had seen him she had been sucking his cock, after all.
    “What happened?” Rowe snapped the words out, immediately looking

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