Thirty Pieces of Silver: A Play in Three Acts

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Book: Thirty Pieces of Silver: A Play in Three Acts by Howard Fast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Howard Fast
position. I don’t know that much about Agronsky. I tried to help you with everything I know about him. But I don’t know——
    ( He breaks off and turns to JANE , who is watching him evenly and levelly. )
    JANE ( very flatly ) Don’t look at me, David. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen his party card either.
    FULLER Isn’t this much ado about nothing, Graham?
    ( He picks up DAVID’S newspaper, points out the headline, and then tosses it aside. )
    Agronsky is in for it, and whatever you do won’t change that one bit. Now, I’ve tried to play fair with you, Graham, but are you playing fair with me?
    DAVID ( staring at the deposition miserably ) It isn’t that I don’t want to help you any way I can.
    FULLER ( The hard-edge creeping into his voice. ) Then what is it, Graham? It doesn’t look to me like you’re trying to be particularly co-operative. The department isn’t asking you to perform miracles. This is a very simple matter, and I can’t think of any red-blooded American who wouldn’t go along with it.
    ( Miserably, staring at the paper which he has now put down on the piano, trying to fight it through on grounds which are totally unfamiliar to him , DAVID stands there without moving. Both FULLER and JANE watch him, neither of them moving. A long moment passes. )
    Well, Graham, are you going to sign it?
    ( Still DAVID doesn’t react. FULLER speaks more softly. )
    Agronsky has no call on your sympathies, that I can tell you. The sooner we rid ourselves of his kind, the better off we will be. His loyalty isn’t to our country, and it isn’t to our way of life. If you consider it a matter of principle, then ask yourself where is their principle in their slave camps and their torture chambers? If I were in your place, Graham, I would sign that and consider it a good day’s work in the service of my country. You ought to understand what service means. You were in the service, weren’t you?
    ( Now DAVID looks up at him. He stares at FULLER directly, his face twitching slightly. Then he looks at JANE . There is a sudden warmth in JANE, a flicker of a smile that just breathes on her face. There is a suggestion that she would move toward DAVID , hut that she is caught and held hack. She stands there. DAVID turns hack to FULLER .)
    DAVID And if I don’t sign it?
    FULLER Why raise that possibility at all, Graham? I’m here as your friend, don’t you understand that?
    ( His voice softens and becomes intimate. )
    We’re not working at cross purposes, Graham. I’m not going to raise threats about your job, about a blacklist, about what it means to go out through a loyalty hearing. Because I don’t see any of that in the picture at all. You said something to Carmichael about your people coming over here to this country a long time back. Well, how many real white Americans are there? Christ Almighty, Graham, I shouldn’t have to persuade you——
    ( He glances at JANE. She is staring at her husband. )
    DAVID ( turning to JANE ) You can see his point, Jane.
    ( She makes no answer. DAVID stands and looks at her. Then, compulsively, he walks to the piano, takes a pen that FULLER holds out to him, and signs the letter. JANE doesn’t move. FULLER smiles as he folds the document. )
    FULLER I’d like to shake hands with you, Mr. Graham. I consider it a privilege.
    ( DAVID shakes hands with him. )
    Good night, Mrs. Graham.
    ( JANE does not move or answer. )
    Good night, Mr. Graham.
    ( He starts to the door, stops at the vestibule and turns back to DAVID .)
    Also, just let me say this, Mr. Graham. From here on, you have a few damn good friends in damn good places. That’s something to hang on to.
    ( He exits. DAVID now looks at JANE , who meets his gaze. He looks away. The silence becomes intense, painful. Then, suddenly , JANE’S face is contorted. A sob, visible, not audible, wracks her body. She bends her head,

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