The Switched Baby Scandal (A Scandals of San Sebastian Novel) (Entangled Bliss)
resist that smile and those dimples?
    “How does macaroni and cheese grab you?”
    Emily’s brow furrowed. “Reece,” her voice was exasperated, “mac and cheese doesn’t grab you, you eat it.”
    Reece laughed. “Of course, you’re right. Shall we find some to eat?”
    The trio walked into the adjoining dining room.
    Emily’s eyes were wide with excitement. “We’re eating macaroni and cheese in here?”
    “I thought we could.”
    “But this is the big-people table.”
    “And you’re a very big girl.”
    Emily grinned. “Yes. Yes I am,” she said, nodding. She let go of Taylor’s hand and scrambled up into one of the velvet-and-cherrywood chairs.
    Dinner was centered around Emily’s chatter. She feasted on macaroni and cheese, green peas, baby carrots, and a tall glass of chocolate milk while Reece and Taylor enjoyed a filet mignon with tender roasted vegetables and red wine.
    All throughout dinner, Taylor watched them. At times, it was almost more than she could take. The ease with which Emily and Reece communicated made her feel like an outsider—as though somehow the blood bond with Emily was stronger than her own—causing her anger and frustration to grow.
    “Emily, I have a special present for you. Why don’t we go and get it?”
    The little girl scooted down off her chair, then belatedly looked at her mother. “May I be excused?”
    Taylor smiled, glad that Emily could remember her manners even though she was excited by the idea of a gift.
    “Yes, and thank you for such nice manners.” She nodded, and Emily skipped off after Reece.
    Emily returned minutes later, a stuffed zebra with a rainbow of ribbons threaded through the mane and around the top of the tail tucked under her arm.
    “Look, Mommy! Look what Reece got me. I’m going to name her Jessie.”
    She glanced at Reece and noticed that he was fully fixed on Emily and her enjoyment. It seemed like a small thing to grant him, without giving any other ground.
    “She’s very nice. Why don’t you bring her with us while we go and look at baby pictures?”
    Emily grinned.
    Taylor gathered Emily’s baby albums and followed Reece. In the hall, they passed a large, framed family photo. Taylor glanced at it long enough to know that the petite brunette and smiling blond baby were his late wife and Alyssa. Beside it was a wedding photo. The pair didn’t look much different from their family picture. Perhaps they had only been married a short time before they’d had their child.
    My child .
    Taylor realized that Reece and Emily were halfway up the stairs and hurried to catch up.
    Upstairs, they stopped in front of a hall door, which Reece swung open. It was rather like walking into the interior of a big pink bubble of gum. The color was only relieved here and there by the neutral beige carpeting and the myriad of stuffed animals in different shapes, sizes, and colors. For a moment her heart squeezed, then slowly released and started beating again. Here is where her baby had slept and played. Here is where she’d been happy.
    “Whose room is this?” Emily asked, running her fingers along the ruffles of the bedspread.
    “It was Alyssa’s,” Reece said when Taylor’s mouth refused to form words. She was grateful he’d answered Emily when she clearly couldn’t. She swallowed hard against the thickness in her throat and the pressure on her chest, trying to draw in a sip of air.
    “Who is Alyssa?” Emily persisted.
    “She was your stepsister,” Reece supplied.
    Emily stared up at him intently. “My stepsister?”
    Reece looked at Taylor, his brow creased. It was painfully evident that he wanted her approval even though they’d already agreed on how to introduce Emily to the subject.
    “Yes. Alyssa was your stepsister,” Taylor said slowly.
    Emily bounced on her feet, clasping her little hands together with delight. “Where is she?” Her eyes glittered with excitement. “She has such a pretty room. Can we

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