Great Protector

Free Great Protector by Kathryn Le Veque

Book: Great Protector by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Le Veque
Tags: Romance
diplomatic sort."
raised his eyebrows. "I was not going to ask you to entertain my guests.
God's Teeth, man, a corpse would have better manners hosting a crowd. I was
simply going to ask that you escort Arissa this day. I realize you have a good
many duties, assisting Carlton and Daniel with the day's events, but I do not
want Arissa without a knightly escort. Will you do this?"
he escort Arissa though her day, tracking her every move, listening to her
laughter and drawing strength from the sound of her voice? His sharp manner
abruptly subsided. "I have always been my lady's shadow," he said
after a moment, his voice soft. "'Tis unnecessary to make such a
cocked an eyebrow, somewhat amused. "Yet I make it all the same. I know
how consumed you can be when it comes to sports and games, and with most of the
family preoccupied with our visitors, I did not wish for Arissa's safety to
suffer. Leave the games to one of your officers. I have made a far more
important request of you."
did not reply. He'd been Arissa's escort for more functions than he could
remember, shadowing the giddy young woman and her silly friends. He'd grown
accustomed to their childish chatter and foolish pranks and, somehow, they
always seemed to make him smile where grown men failed.
wondered why he suddenly felt differently escorting Arissa to her own party. In
the past, he had acted in a near fatherly manner, treating her as one would a
daughter or niece. He'd given little thought to chasing off the eager beaus,
casting a threatening glance and conveying more danger than mere words could
express. It had always been the same, a duty he had taken great pleasure in.
no longer. If a young man approached her this day, he was not at all sure he would
not take the potential suitor's head off. Certainly, a fatherly attitude no
longer prevailed. As if.... as if a new dimension had been added since their
baffling encounter last night. When he had held her as one would a lover.
forced himself away from his gripping thoughts, focusing on the earl. "So
I shall play nursemaid to The Horde this day? I must be receiving punishment
for a great offense I have unknowingly committed against you."
laughed, watching his men scatter as the first of the de Rydal's escort rode
into the bailey. "Better you than me."
chose that moment to exit the castle, positively ravishing in green silk.
Although it was far too cool to move about without a wrap, she would have
refused a cloak from God himself if it meant concealing her new surcoat. She
had already received two compliments from the servants as she exited the castle
and thought, mayhap, that her own conservative observations had been wrong.
Mayhap the garment did not make her took too short or too busty.
cool gust of wind caught her and she involuntarily shivered, her pale green
eyes riveted to the party just passing under the portcullis. Several feet to
her right stood her father, Bartholomew, and several knights including
her nerves, she descended the stairs towards the men. With every step, she
began to hope that she would see Richmond's approval in his eyes, a silent
appreciation for the trouble she had gone through to make herself lovely. His
word and his alone would decide how she truly felt about her appearance.
lied when she had told Penelope and Emma that she had little concern whether or
not Richmond attended her birthday. It was the best possible gift she had could
have hoped for. The only gift she truly wanted.
caught a flash of green from the corner of his eye. Turning with mild
disinterest, his blue eyes came to rest upon a sight so incredibly beautiful that
he swore he was gazing upon a window open to Heaven. Certainly, only angels
were in possession of such beauty.
smiled at him and he felt his aging joints turn to warm, silly, wicked mush.
His heart thumped madly against his ribs as she

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