The Archimage Wars: Wizard of Abal
gate that
wasn’t there. Well, it hadn’t been there a moment before. Now a
tall wrought iron double gate, with a curved top, adorned with
golden spikes, was barring our way. Not only that, but there was a
big stone wall going off to the left and right. Ahead, over a
manicured lawn and garden, was a towering castle which CERTAINLY
had not been there a moment before. Truthfully, it was more of a
manor house, or palace, than an old style fortified
    “ Ah, Camington Castle,”
Hydan said as if nothing odd had just taken place.
    “ How do you know?” I asked
belligerently while rubbing at my bruised nose.
    He pointed at an engraved sign on the
gate, “Because that’s what it says, right there.”
    I started muttering about invisible
god damned castle gates.
    Hydan reached up and pulled a chain
which went to a series of hanging bells above, mounted in the
wrought iron. A musical tone played.
    Then the iron gates swung open on
their own accord, and with a grin, Hydan marched on in, exclaiming,
“I wonder if she has some of that brandy I read about, and
    A man, dressed in finery from another
age, was waiting at the main entrance, at the top of the curved
stairs which led up to the double doors.
    “ Nicholas, it is so good to
see you again. The lady of the House is out, but she has extended a
permanent welcome to you, and any companions. I am Bartholomew,
Fifth,” he said, and I noticed the same Spider Glyph on his cheek,
like the one on Fiona.
    “ And I am Hydan, Third,” my
companion noted.
    “ Welcome, Hydan of House
Friare,” Bartholomew stated.
    I frowned at the man, “And we have
    “ Many times, but I am
familiar with your current memory, ah, issues.”
    I scowled at that.
    Hydan said, “Hey, you wouldn’t happen
to have a concoction called brandy, would you?”
    Bartholomew gestured toward the doors,
“It would be my pleasure to serve you a snifter, in the sitting
room, as soon as you have freshened up from your
    Hydan’s grin blossomed, “OK, but
what’s a snifter? It’s not some kind of odd creature with a big
nose, is it? Or is it like a goose?”
    “ It is a type of stemware,
which will hold brandy,” Bartholomew replied.
    “ Now we’re talking!” Hydan
exclaimed; his smile now ear-to-ear.

Chapter Four
    I got a black magic
    Got me so blind I can't
    That she's a black magic
    She's tryin' to make a
devil out of me.
    In my room, which was half antique
store half palace, there was a very nice bathroom, with a stately
shower, so I made use of it. When I came out of the bathroom I saw
the large four poster mahogany bed, and it looked very inviting, so
I lay down. I was very tired, and in seconds I was asleep. Some
indeterminate time later, I must have been dreaming, but I suddenly
awoke with a start. I’d been in some other palace, this one made of
marble, and I’d been looking out a window over a forested
countryside. I’d heard my voice saying, “All right, if those are
your orders, then I will see if I can find out what you want to
know. I’ll bring the information to you as soon as I have
    Then I had awoken.
    That was interesting, I don’t know who
I was talking to, but they had given me orders. Who could give a
mage orders? Well, most likely their Archimage, but which
Archimage? The obvious answer was the Archimage of my House. Could
this be why I’d stolen information from The Dragon?”
    I found clothing in a big mahogany
closet after opening the doors. There was a set of dark slacks and
a silver button up collar shirt, as well as a black leather jacket
and black shoes with socks. I put them all on, and they fit
perfectly, even the shoes. I wasn’t happy about it. People knew
more about me than I knew about myself, which pissed me off to no
end. Dressed in my new casual clothing I went downstairs and
located the sitting room by the sound of conversation.
    Hydan was in there, swirling a dark

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