The Billionaire's Con

Free The Billionaire's Con by Mackenzie Crowne

Book: The Billionaire's Con by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Crowne
Tags: Contemporary
hell of a shock when a man realized that, after years of avoiding the emotion, he had finally fallen in love with a woman. When the woman was one he’d been trying to destroy the result was disaster. And that was exactly the position in which he now found himself.
    His usually fertile mind cast frantically about for a solution. At thirty-three, he’d had his share of relationships with women, but he’d never loved any of them. He’d be dammed if he’d lose Meggy now that he’d finally found her.
    If they’d met under different circumstances, he would have gone after her with every weapon in his arsenal, and he’d have gotten her, too, by God. He’d have gotten her because he wouldn’t have let off the pressure until she waved the white flag. He could do no less now.
    She had feelings for him. Oh, she may not love him, yet, but she had feelings. She cared. The question was did she care enough to understand and give him the chance to explain the situation when she finally learned the truth? She would if she loved him, his heart insisted.
    The key was to make sure her feelings had grown from caring to love before the truth came to light. His odds of soothing her hurt and anger would be much better if she’d already admitted to him, and to herself, that she was his.
    With her warm body tucked close to his in the dark, he grinned as several ideas formed on how to expedite his courtship of Meggy Calhoun. He had less than a week to do damage control before Elizabeth demanded a meeting. He’d see Meggy wave that flag first.

Chapter Ten
    Meggy emerged from her shower to find all three of the O’Shea sisters sipping coffee at her tiny kitchen table. Without a word, she pulled a mug from the cabinet and poured herself a cup. She sat at the table, sighing in appreciation of her first sip of the strong brew.
    “Well?” Erin broke the silence.
    “Well, what?”
    “What happened on your date?” One of Erin’s finely plucked eyebrows quirked.
    “Oh, that.” She yawned. “We had manicotti at Giordanos, and then we went to the game. Awesome seats, by the way. But if I were you, I’d keep an eye on Ryan. Trevor may try to steal him away.”
    Erin gaped at her. “He’s gay?”
    “No, but for those seats he may consider a lifestyle change.” She kept a straight face.
    “Ha ha,” Erin growled as Cara and Shan snickered. “Very funny.”
    She laughed. “I’m only half kidding. He flipped when he saw where we were sitting. I think he’s an even bigger Celts nut than I am.”
    “That’s nice,” Shan interrupted, her curiosity no less than Erin's. “Now tell us why I saw you crossing the lawn from the carriage house at six-thirty this morning.”
    “Oh,” Erin squealed, “I knew it! But it’s completely understandable. God, he’s so hot, and just a little bit dangerous, don’t you think?”
    He was dangerous, all right—dangerously sexy.
    Cara, who had remained silent up until now, leaned her elbows on the table. “Are you okay?”
    Meggy met her worried gaze. “I spent an incredible night with a gorgeous, charming guy. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
    Cara sat back, crossing her arms over her chest. She gave her a level look. “You may be the dating queen of Palmerton, but you don’t sleep around. And you’ve never slept with a man you’ve only known for a week.”
    Despite the three attentive green gazes boring into hers, she remained stubbornly silent for a full ten seconds. Finally, she caved, as they’d known she would. Her cheeks puffed out, and she blew a mystified breath. “I just couldn’t help myself.”
    Shan and Cara snorted with laughter, and Erin stared wide-eyed.
    “Well, it’s true. I have no willpower where Trevor Bryce is concerned.” Contentment was heavy in her sigh. “But, I’m more than okay.”
    “Details,” Erin demanded from across the table. “We want details.”
    “I don’t kiss and tell.” She sipped at her coffee.
    “Since when?”
    Meggy narrowed her eyes at

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